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The TWINSCAN EXE:5000 High NA EUV scanner in the High NA Lab demonstrating the first-ever 10 nm dense lines obtained in a single exposure.
  • Electronics (wafers, semiconductors, microchips,...)

Opening of the joint ASML-imec High NA EUV Lithography Lab marks a milestone in preparing High NA EUV lithography for accelerated adoption in mass manufacturing

ASML and imec open joint High NA EUV Lithography Lab offering an early development platform to the leading-edge semiconductor ecosystem

Imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, and ASML Holding N.V. (ASML), a leading lithography supplier to the semiconductor industry, today announced the opening of the High NA EUV Lithography Lab in Veldhoven, the Netherlands, a lab jointly run b…

  • Standard-, operating-parts, valves, connectors, ...

Even higher precision, lower friction and more dynamic response: The new precision double tube linear actuators from Ganter are available in a wide range of variants to open up new areas of application or enable seamless upgrading of existing linear actua

Seamless Upgrade for More Precision and Dynamic Response

Behind the new precision double tube linear actuators lies a system of numerous versions with different guides, stroke lengths, spindle types, slide sizes and materials. The slide is moved by a trapezoidal, fine thread or recirculating ball spindle, with left- or right-hand thread, and is guided eit…

GEMÜ B20 + GEMÜ R480 Victoria
  • Standard-, operating-parts, valves, connectors, ...

GEMÜ butterfly valves in the GEMÜ R480 Victoria series and the GEMÜ B20 ball valve have been awarded gas approval by DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water).

Reliable quarter turn valves for gas applications

The GEMÜ R480 Victoria and GEMÜ B20 are suitable for use with different gases, such as natural gas and biogas (the main component of which is methane), propane and liquid gases containing butane. They are approved for gas production, treatment and injection. This includes use for combustible gases…

  • Trade fair

Learn about EU Annex 1 solutions, including continuous microbial monitoring, and get a free expert contamination control consultation by visiting Booth A54 in hall 3.1.

Complete Contamination Monitoring Solutions and Expertise at Particle Measuring Systems’ Achema Booth

Discover innovative solutions for aseptic pharmaceutical manufacturing, including continuous microbial monitoring, at Particle Measuring Systems' (PMS) booth at Achema. Experienced Contamination Control Experts from PMS will be available to discuss customized solutions tailored to your needs, ensuri…

Abbildung 1 - SEM- Querschnittsaufnahme eines Die-to-Wafer hybrid gebondeten Versuchsträgers mit 2µm Bondpadabstand. / Figure 1 – Cross-section SEM image of a die-to-wafer hybrid bonded test vehicle with 2µm bond pad pitch. Abbildung 2 - A) Vision für ein optisch verbundenes Multi-XPU-Rechnersystem auf Waferebene; und B) demonstriertes Testsystem, das aus PIC-Dies mit eingebetteten SiN-Wellenleitern (WG) und evaneszenten Kopplern besteht, die mit einem unteren PIC-Wafer mit komplementären SiN-evaneszenten Kopplern verbunden sind. / Figure 2 – A) Vision for a wafer-level, optically interconnected multi-XPU compute system; and B) demonstrated test system comprising of PIC dies with embedded SiN waveguides (WG) and evanescent couplers bonded to a bottom PIC wafer with complementary SiN evanescent couplers.
  • Electronics (wafers, semiconductors, microchips,...)

Improved die-to-wafer assembly flow opens doors to logic/memory-on-logic stacking, and to optically interconnected systems-on-wafer

Imec demonstrates die-to-wafer hybrid bonding with a Cu interconnect pad pitch of 2µm

This week, at the 2024 IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, presents a Cu-to-Cu and SiCN-to-SiCN die-to-wafer bonding process resulting in a Cu bond pad pitch of only 2µm at <35…


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