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Jubiläumsmaschine IntElect #80000
  • Injection moulding

Übergabe der 80.000-sten vollelektrischen Spritzgießmaschine von Sumitomo (SHI) Demag als Anlass

Deutschlandkampagne mit IntElect-Sonderbaureihe zur Kuteno gestartet

Mit dem Start ihrer deutschlandweiten Kampagne hat die Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH, Schwaig, auf der Kuteno – Kunststofftechnik Nord – 2023 für Aufsehen gesorgt. Anlässlich der Übergabe der 80.000-sten vollelektrischen Spritzgießmaschine während der K-Messe 2022 bietet das…

Zahlreiche Projekte beweisen Übereinstimmung von Simulation und Realität. / Numerous projects prove the conformity of simulation and reality.
  • Injection moulding

Optimizing an LSR molding process before mold making - SIGMASOFT® and Silicone – Both start with Si like Silicon

SIGMASOFT® shows the virtual processing of Silicones

During the first Silicone Expo Europe in Amsterdam, SIGMA Engineering presents the new version 6.0 of SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding. The completely redesigned user interface is easier to use and allows beginners and experts to efficiently handle the extensive process-simulations suite. In LSR molding…

Der Stand von Sumitomo (SHI) Demag an der Swiss Plastics Expo in Luzern. / Sumitomo (SHI) Demag booth at this year’s Swiss Plastics Expo in Lucerne.
  • Injection moulding

An impressive production cell demonstration at Swiss Plastics Expo 2023, featuring Sumitomo (SHI) Demag all-electric moulding machines represented by MAPAG Maschinen AG in Switzerland, attracted a good footfall and lots of fascination.

Deals sealed at Swiss Plastics Expo due to impressive exhibit

As Swiss Plastics Expo 2023 drew to a close, Peter Kirst, CEO of MAPAG Maschinen AG, Bern, representing Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in Switzerland, and product manager Urs Kocher, reflect on the positive outlook. Kirst suggests that although the number of visitors to the stand appeared level with pre-pande…


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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Kretz + Wahl Hydroflex C-Tec