Die Validierung von Desinfektionsmitteln für den Reinraum
Validating of disinfectants for the use in controlled mechanisms can
be both long and cost-intensive. This article examines the range of
the validating process by disinfectants and like a smooth and
successful result to be obtained can. In order fast validating results
too receive and one possible time near implementation of a new
cleaning agent to make, as well as short Responsezeiten with audits to
ensure, all aspects of the new disinfection cleaning agent must be
considered from the outset.The following reasons can arrange validating a new disinfectant: • new
standards or change of existing standards • arising problem places •
health questions and accident prevention repeats • problems with
corrosions independent of the reason for the veranlassung of a
validating should in the following specified 5 points with validating
a pure space disinfectant be considered. Which micro-biological tests
are necessary? The probably most difficult challenge in the pure area
is control of bacteria pores, since these are resistant opposite most
disinfectants. Sometimes a Sporizid effective against sporen can
exhibit substantial disadvantages, e.g. harmful in relation to humans
or equipment to be or both. Therefore is the search for an effective
however innocuous Sporizid of great importance.Conventional biocides such as alcohols, quaternaere ammonium
compounds, phenol and amphotere Tenside are effectively ineffective
against bacteria in their vegetative stage, however against sporen. A
main decision point is therefore in the necessary level because of
sporizider activity. For most pure space users a log 3 reduction is
normally sufficient. Examine the available data sheets of the
manufacturer for the selected cleaning agent, above all the sporizide
activity, since these referring to further possibly necessary tests
give. For most disinfectants effectiveness data are present opposite
BS EN 1276:1997 (bactericidal) and BS EN 1650:1998 (fungicide). With
this standard tests it concerns suspension tests, surface tests should
remain however not unconsidered.A test method can be found under BS EN 13697:2001, here the acceptance
criteria are with a log 4 reduction in relation to bacteria and a log
3 reduction against Fungi. At present test and a Sporensuspension good
sporizide effectiveness can be pointed out under dirty conditions with
the modified BS EN 1276. Registered success with difficult
environmental Isolaten and the experience of important reference
places, which could accomplish successful applications in material
situations, are very precious and an important decision factor.
Further helpful data can result from start-up and quality controls of
new pure areas, since these situations represent a special challenge
for a disinfectant. These different data of the manufacturer offer
effectiveness proofs to you and help with the choice of the
disinfectants for validating.As next step the determination of your own sporizider test
requirements takes place. Testing of Sporiziden in laboratories is
difficult for various reasons and can slow the validating process down
substantially. One of these reasons is that Isolate are to be
sporulieren with difficulty and the neutralization of the used
disinfectant is not to be implemented always simply. Our enterprise
has a method thought out on diaphragm filtration be based and for all
disinfectants suitable is. The goal existed in the development of a
reliable test, which can to be repeated at an independent laboratory
and economically accomplished is. The validated diaphragm test makes
the simulation possible of material conditions, e.g. a spraying on a
surface.Around this to obtain we concentrated on the following ranges: • exact
quantification of the number of organisms to achieve around meaningful
logs reductions • uniform presentation of the sporen • uniform
suspension of the sporen opposite the disinfectant • wash phase,
around complete neutralization of the cleaning agent to ensure for the
tests for the investigation of the two differently dilutions of our
product and peroxide/by acetic acid a mixture we selected two
independent laboratories. The tests were accomplished with 100 a %igen
concentration under clean conditions and with 90 a %igen finished
concentration under dirty conditions. This is important to mark, since
a finished solution will be always mixed with breakdown substance and
Inokulum. The results were very consistent. Several large
Pharmaunternehmen validated this test method with many promising
results.What are the requirements to the cleaning agent and its intended
purpose? While the micro-biological work is in course, it is
importantly the range of validating to expand around any problems in
last minute to avoid. The final specification of the disinfectant must
be considered carefully, in order to place surely that it can be
brought simply into the pure area, and that it corresponds to the
standard requirements for sterility or dilution with water for
injections (WFI). The present GMP standards give to be sterile that
disinfectants in degrees A and B pure areas are used, should. A
disinfectant should be available in different formats and become fair
application possibilities in different environments. For large
environments the use of concentrates with a Moppsystem or an atomising
system can be meaningful.Critical ranges require ready for use sprays or before-soaked cloths.
In all cases the product the necessary load documents, as well as
certificates over sterility, irradiation must and if available,
conformity to be attached. Just as necessarily the standard function
is to be analyzed, in order the possible effects the one biocide to
have could determine. Considering factors contain the use frequency
and the possible rotation of the questionable cleaning agent. To be
considered also the necessary time of contact, since this can play a
substantial role for operational considerations, should atomising
formaldehyde has e.g. a 24stuendige envelope time. After the use of
some Reini¬gungsmittel the necessity for a rinsing phase exists, this
could during neglect consequences have.User error during the handling of large quantities of concentrates and
the sicherstellung of the correct dilution must flow likewise
considered and into the planning process. Most procedures give that
before the use of biocides burying are physically removed, therefore
can guidances to handling a burying likewise a basic factor with the
decision for a cleaning agent be. Besides you should ask which impact
for your requirements are sufficient, since disinfectants under dirty
conditions become gesture constant and are not necessary their strong
effect if necessary. Also the cleaning method can have an effect on
the effectiveness of the disinfectant.A case study accomplished in a large English learning hospital showed
that the use of a three-bucket system reduces the contamination of the
disinfectant compared with an in bucket system substantially. As last
point of this validating step like for a long time the disinfectant
should be considered to be used can, before it must be
disposed. This has far handing effects on a possible
verschwendung of the disinfectant and AUDI gates to ask often after
the durability duration after incipient crack of a product. The two
main systems of liquid application in a pure space environment are
spray cans and spray bottles. Spray bottle systems exhibit definitely
advantages. Liquid can be delivered either as jet or sprays, in order
to moisten and effectively disinfect the surface thoroughly. They are
them propellants to be contained pollution free there and not be not
particularly disposed must.The entire Fluessig¬keit can be delivered from the system, then no
loss develops which it a economical system makes. Nevertheless
contaminated air could be sucked into the bottle back and be
endangered the sterility of the liquid. A closed system prevents this
and the possibility of a contamination of the liquid. What are the
implications for the industrial safety? Beside the effectiveness and
usefulness of Reini¬gungsmitteln it is to be evaluated necessarily the
safety and health risks as part of the validating process. Some
excellent disinfectant, in particular Sporizide, are difficult harmful
and in pure areas to begin. The suspension limit, specially necessary
clothes or equipment and the costs of each individual cleaning agent
must consider to become. The input of the personnel those the
disinfectants will use can for the conclusion selection from
appreciable value be.Also practical considerations should be employed regarding the storage
and increasingly the refuse disposal by chemicals or the
Verpackungsmateriales, since this can result into high costs. What are
the effects on the pure space environment? Many disinfectants, in
particular Sporizide are oxidizing cleaning agents, whose effect must
be considered with the use in pure areas with expensive equipment.
Evaluation of the available corrosion data for materials in pure
areas, insulators and LAFs occur, should be a fundamental component of
each validating program. Dei most cleaning agents leave arrears, whose
relevance depends on the range and work procedure. With product
contact area ranges must be probably rinsed and tested, within other
ranges can this of subordinated importance be.Which support can you expect from the manufacturer? The final decision
for a disinfectant can depend on the degree of the support, which is
offered by the disinfectant manufacturer. AUDI gates your validating
results will probably provoke and much on the quality of the
manufacturer in the fast adaptability to constantly new guidelines
will depend. Examine, whether the manufacturer can offer all necessary
technical support and sufficiently to production capacity possesses,
in order your requirements today and future fair to become. The
manufacturer should make its manufacturing equipment for you possible
after your standards to audit.