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Modular and mobile pure areas of Clean Modules Ltd..

The enterprise Clean Modules Ltd. has itself on it specializes ready for occupancy modular or mobile pure areas to sketch and manufacture. Since the establishment of the company before 11 years an excellent call within the range of the pure space equipment construction in Great Britain could gain. A multiplicity of hospitals, research establishments and recently even automobile producers recognized the Potenzial and the advantages of a manufacturing of its pure areas in modular building method and to trust therefore on the achievements of Clean Modules Ltd. apart from economic factors captivate a modular pure area particularly by the short period of the work and the small annoyance by noise or building dirt at the establishment place. The moreover one no new building must be able to be used to be built, there for winding and cover panels in (nearly) each existing area for the pure area. A mobile pure area convinces by its extreme flexibility.Since all necessary components, inclusive filter system, up, are accommodated at or in a conventional ship container, the later pure space container can be transported problem-free. This makes a temporary pure space use for the owner possible, without having to invest into a new building complex. Also this beginning brings extreme economic advantages compared with conventional pure space solutions with itself. Clean Modules Ltd. has in Germany already for the "biological oceanography" of the Leibniz of institute for sea sciences, at which University of Kiel designs, a mobile pure area, which was inserted on forschungsreisen to the Antarctic. Enclosed you find a brochure with further information about Clean Modules Ltd. we to be pleased you soon when planning of your next pure space plant help could.

Modulare und mobile Reinräume von Clean Modules Ltd.

Further information


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Hydroflex Ecolab HJM Becker