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Hygiene management in the personal production department and in the work surrounding field

Hygiene management in the personal production department and in the work surrounding field which are the concrete requirements? Personal high measure of cleanliness clean clothes, if necessary protective clothing separation between operating and work clothes regular hygiene training courses written hygiene program the premises (soils, walls, covers) clear separation of the manufacture areas (sterile, not sterile products) smooth ones, tear-free walls and soils (thorough cleaning should be possible) of discharges with back pressure flaps sufficient ones and exhaust equipment and plants avoidance of continuousdamp components dead-space-free plants lubricant-free components surface roughness to minimize manual cleaning where always technical.possible avoid (CIP/SIP/DIP) no ball valves use cleaning stream forward/backwards clocks clearance (cleaning and disinfection) avoidance of horizontal surfaces (deposit) wall distances to the cleaning and disinfection keep plant surfaces should to clean be easy (no perforated plates) log for each quality relevant plant (maintenance, repairs...) marking taking out water places those not to be used operating hygiene written hygiene program disposal plan regular parasit monitoring raw materials material compatibility of the containers (raw material,Packing) regular micro-biological investigation of the water production only under responsibility of competent persons according to manufacture regulation before beginning examination of all devices and operational funds on thorough cleaning sufficient exhaust air system during dust formation documentation of all process steps including corrections packing and labeling instructions for procedure monitoring and control of the site conditions - operating hygiene - Validierung(*) and procedures - definition and monitoring of the storage conditions for material and products (*) proof over desired quality hygiene training plant Design

Hygienemanagement im Personal- Produktionsbereich und im Arbeitsumfeld

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Buchta PMS MT-Messtechnik