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Die Prozessauslegung und Definition der optimalen Prozessparameter erfolgen im eigenen Reinraum-Technikum. Die Aufbereitung der Prozessmedien Kohlendioxid und Druckluft stellt dabei eine Luftqualität sicher, wie sie beispielsweise in der Halbleiter-Produktion gefordert wird. (Bildquelle: acp systems) / The process is designed in the company’s own cleanroom test facility. Optimum process parameters are also defined here. The process media - carbon dioxide and compressed air - are prepared in such a way so as to ensure the air quality required by the semiconductor industry, for example. (Photo credit: acp systems) Die kompakte, aus Edelstahl gefertigte Reinigungszelle JetCell mit Rotationsdüsen wurde für die automatisierte Reinigung entwickelt und ermöglicht eine hohe Flächenleistung in kurzer Zeit. Sie kann einfach in verkettete Fertigungsumgebungen eingebunden oder als Standalone-Lösung betrieben werden. (Bildquelle: acp systems) / The compact, stainless steel JetCell cleaning cell with rotating nozzles was developed for automated cleaning applications and is capable of cleaning large areas in a short time. It can be easily integrated into an interlinked manufacturing environment or operated as a stand-alone device. (Photo credit: acp systems) Mit der trockenen quattroClean-Schneestrahltechnologie lässt sich eine partiukuläre Sauberkeit entsprechend ORK 1 reproduzierbar erreichen. Bei filmischen Rückständen entsprechen die Reinigungsergebnisse denen, die mit anderen Feinstreinigungsverfahren erzielt werden. (Bildquelle: acp systems) / The dry quattroClean snow jet technology ensures that particulate cleanliness in accordance with SCC 1 is consistently achieved. In the case of filmy residues, cleaning results correspond to those attained with other ultra-fine cleaning processes. (Photo credit: acp systems) Um die in der Elektronikfertigung teilweise enorm gestiegenen Anforderungen an die technische Sauberkeit prozesssicher zu erfüllen oder auch bereits montierte Komponenten zu reinigen, sind effektive, trockene und reinraumgerechte Reinigungslösungen wie die quattroClean-Schneestrahltechnologie erforderlich. (Bildquelle: acp systems) / Effective, dry and cleanroom-compatible cleaning solutions such as the quattroClean snow jet technology are a must in order to reliably meet the sometimes enormously increased requirements for technical cleanliness in the electronics industry or to clean pre-assembled components. (Photo credit: acp systems)
  • Cleaning | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

quattroClean snow jet technology - scalable, inline-capable and cleanroom-compatible

Dry cleaning process for optimum cleaning results in electronics production

Whether energy, mobility or industry - electronic components and systems play a key role in the transformation towards climate neutrality. Due to higher demands on power density and reliability as well as new solutions, the requirements for technical cleanliness during the production of these compon…

Mit den aus standardisierten Modulen bestehenden Mehrbad-Ultraschallreinigungsanlagen, hier eine UCMPerformanceLine, lassen sich Reinigungslösungen, beispielsweise für die Feinstreinigung und High Purity-Anwendungen individuell konfigurieren. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / With the multi-bath ultrasonic cleaning systems consisting of standardized modules, here a UCM PerformanceLine, cleaning solutions can be individually configured, for example for ultra-fine cleaning and high-purity applications. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH) Für energieeffiziente und schnelle Reinigungsprozesse verfügen die Anlagen über eine effektive Wärmerückgewinnung und können mit unterschiedlichen Verfahrenstechnologien ausgestattet werden. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / For energy-efficient and fast cleaning processes, the plants have effective heat recovery and can be equipped with different process technologies. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH) Für Lösemittel-Reinigungsanwendungen, die bisher Sonderanlagen mit aufwendiger Konstruktion und langer Fertigungszeit erforderlich machten, wurde das modulare Konzept EcoCstretch entwickelt. Es beinhaltet unter anderem vier Arbeitskammergrößen und mehrere Flutbehälter. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / The modular EcoCstretch concept was developed for solvent cleaning applications that previously required special equipment with complex design and long production times. Among other things, it includes four working chamber sizes and several flood tanks. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH) Sonderanlagen für die wasserbasierte Reinigung deckt die modulare EcoCvela mit Arbeitskammer-Durchmessern bis 1.500 mm sowie mehreren Fluttanks und bei Bedarf mehreren Arbeitskammern ab. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean GmbH) / Special plants for water-based cleaning are covered by the modular EcoCvela with working chamber diameters up to 1,500 mm as well as several flood tanks and, if required, several working chambers. (Picture: Ecoclean GmbH)
  • Cleaning | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

Ecoclean: Solutions as diverse as the tasks in industrial parts cleaning

Efficient, innovative, and sustainable component cleaning for the entire production chain

Whether degreasing, classic component cleaning or high-purity applications - the demands on cleaning solutions have increased in all areas of the manufacturing industry. Ecoclean is responding to these changed market requirements with an even broader and more modularized product range. The focus her…

  • Company

The aim of the cooperation is to optimize material data for silicone elastomers in order to make process simulation with SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding even more reliable.

SIGMA Engineering and Momentive Performance Materials agree on strategic partnership

The partnership between the world market leader in LSR injection molding simulation and one of the leading manufacturers of silicone and silicone derivatives is good news for the silicone processing industry. The challenge here is to produce high-precision components with high requirements that simu…

Andy Whittard, Managing Director, Cherwell
  • Company

Leveraging collaboration opportunities to continue to deliver ultra-high-quality products and services while achieving growth ambitions.

Cherwell Joins the AnalytiChem Group of Companies

Cherwell, cleanroom microbiology solutions expert, is excited to announce it is joining the AnalytiChem group of companies. Cherwell will join seven other businesses within the group, located across Europe, North America and Australia.

Cherwell was founded in 1971 and serves customers across the UK a…


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PMS Ecolab ClearClean MT-Messtechnik