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Valve specialist GEMÜ is expanding its CONEXO range to include a retrofit solution for existing systems, as well as a cloud connection.

A retrofit solution for holistic system life-cycle management

GEMÜ CONEXO is an innovative and holistic solution for life-cycle management of all types of systems. The system currently consists of valves that are equipped with RFID chips and a corresponding IT infrastructure.

Thanks to serialization, every relevant valve component, such as the body, actuator or…

Digitales Leistungsverstärker-Modul für 5G, die mobile Kommunikation der Zukunft (© FBH/ / Digital Power Amplifier Module for 5G, the Mobile Communication of the Future (© FBH/ Heterointegrierte Schaltkreise, die die Vorteile zweier Technologiewelten miteinander verbinden: hohe Ausgangsleistungen von Indiumphosphid und die Komplexität der Siliziumtechnologie (© FBH/ / Heterointegrated circuits, combining the advantages of two technology worlds: the high output powers of indium phosphide with the complexity of silicon technology (© FBH/

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut demonstrates its capability in III-V electronics at „Productronica“. FBH components are used, among others, for the future mobile communications standard 5G and for industrial as well as biomedical applications.

Core components for future technology solutions – from heterointegrated chips to digital power amplifiers

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) presents a selection of current developments and advances of its power amplifiers, circuits, and heterointegrated chips at “Productronica”. The event is hosted in Munich from November 14-17, 2017 in hall B2, booth 317. The Leibniz institute exhibits at the join…


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Systec & Solutions GmbH HJM Buchta Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH