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JOKARUS-Nutzlast: Für den ersten optischen Frequenzstandard auf Basis von molekularem Jod im Weltraum. (© HU Berlin/Franz Gutsch) / JOKARUS payload: Used to demonstrate the first optical frequency standard based on molecular iodine in space. (© HU Berlin/Franz Gutsch) Herzstück des JOKARUS-Experiments: Das erfolgreich im Weltraum eingesetzt wurde: ein mikrointegriertes Diodenlasermodul (ECDL-MOPA) aus dem Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, das bei einer Wellenlänge von 1064 nm emittiert. (© FBH/ / Centerpiece of the JOKARUS experiment: Successfully used in space: a micro-integrated diode laser module (ECDL-MOPA) from the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut emitting at a wavelength of 1064 nm. (© FBH/

JOKARUS experiment on sounding rocket successfully completed. Corner stone for laser ranging measurements with the highest precision and precursor for optical sat-ellite navigation systems.

Frequency-stable laser systems for space

For the first time a frequency reference based on molecular iodine was successfully demonstrated in space! What sounds a bit like science fiction is an important step towards laser interferometric dis-tance measurements between satellites as well as for future global navigation satellite systems bas…


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Becker ClearClean Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Systec & Solutions GmbH