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  • Trade fair

The transformation of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry is taking place in the industry's reactors, fermenters and plants. Innovation is therefore in demand.

Chemical reaction engineering and its role in the transformation of industries

Chemical reaction engineering lies at the interface between chemistry and process engineering. Anyone talking about scaling up processes, electrification or the use of hydrogen must automatically consider reaction technology: it determines the reaction conditions, regulates what takes place where an…

  • New building

Spanish government, region of Andalusia and imec sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the intention to establish a new 300mm R&D process line for specialized chip technologies

New R&D facility will complement imec’s 300mm cleanroom in Leuven with new processes and materials to boost innovation in upcoming domains such as health and augmented and virtual reality.

The Spanish government, together with the regional government of Andalusia and imec, a world-leading research and…


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PMS HJM C-Tec Ecolab