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(Foto: Campetella) IML-Anwendung +++ die integrierte Anlage (Foto: Campetella) / IML application +++ the integrated system (Photo: Campetella) IML-Produkt 1 +++ IML - Yoghurtbecher (Foto: Campetella) / IML product 1 +++ decorated yoghurt cups (Photo: Campetella) IML-Produkt 2 +++ IML - Frischkäseschale (Foto: Campetella) / IML product 2 +++ labelled cheese spread tubs (Photo: Campetella)

Campetella Robotics Calling! +++ 30 days Open House +++ starting 1st October 2020, Montecassiano/Italy +++ two complete automation cells permanently at work

Campetella intensifies IML performance with latest robot generation and autonomous mobile robot (AMR) support

An expert of the scene once said: "When times aren't easy, robotizing is safer, no matter the circumstances!” With a certain amount of interpretation this would mean: people should keep their hands off some critical applications - leave them to robots - in the fields of food, electronics, medical…


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ASYS MT-Messtechnik Ecolab Becker