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Radiopharmaka kommen zum Einsatz, wenn gegen einen Tumor Chemotherapie, Operation oder Bestrahlung wirkungslos geblieben sind. In mikrophysiologischen Systemen lassen sich 3D-Tumormodelle in einer realistischen Mikroumgebung kultivieren, was die Testung exakter und gleichzeitig einfacher macht. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / Radiopharmaceuticals enter the picture when chemotherapy, surgery or radiation have proven ineffective against a tumor. Microphysiological systems emulate the micro environment of the body and are an easy to use platform for the cultivation of 3D tumor models. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Ein Projektteam von HZDR und Fraunhofer IWS forscht daran, mithilfe von sogenannten mikrophysiologischen Systemen Tierversuche zu reduzieren, die aktuell vor der Anwendung am Menschen notwendig sind. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / An HZDR and Fraunhofer IWS project team is researching how to use so-called microphysiological systems to reduce animal testing, which is currently necessary before human application. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Die ersten Tests mit den Multiorgan-Chips zeigten positive Ergebnisse. Die Bindung bekannter Substanzen an den Tumorsphäroiden funktionierte bereits. Geplant ist, die mikrophysiologischen Systemen um ein Nierenmodell und ein Leberorganoid zu erweitern. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / First tests with the multi-organ chips already showed positive results. The binding of known substances to the tumor spheroids already worked. It is planned to further extend the microphysiological system by adding a kidney model and a liver organoid. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Bindung von [68Ga]Ga-C225 (2 nM) in MPS-Modulen an A431 (1, 2) und MDA-MB435S (3, 4); (2) zeigt die unspezifische Bindung an A431, (4) an MDA-MB435S (0,8 μM C225); unten: Diagramme von Sättigungsassays auf A431-Monolayer in MPS-Chips mit [64Cu]Cu-C225 (5) und [68Ga]Ga-C225 (6) (dunkelblaue, graue, grüne Symbole: gesamte, unspezifische, spezifische Bindung). © HZDR/Fraunhofer IWS / Binding of [68Ga]Ga-C225 (2 nM) in MPS-modules on A431 (A) and MDA-MB435S (C); (B) shows the nonspecific binding on A431, (D) on MDA-MB435S (0.8 μM C225); below: graphs of saturation assays on A431 monolayer in MPS chips with [64Cu]Cu-C225 (E) and [68Ga]Ga-C225 (F) (black, gray, red symbols: total, nonspecific, specific binding). © HZDR/Fraunhofer IWS
  • Science

Two Dresden Research Institutes want to Reduce the Number of Animal Experiments in Radiopharmaceutical Research with a New Idea

Radioactive Substances Fight Cancer in the Mini-lab

Radioactivity can save lives. When neither chemotherapy or surgery nor radiation from the outside help against a tumor, modern medicine uses so-called radiopharmaceuticals. These radioactive drugs not only detect cancer cells, they also enable targeted radiation from the inside to destroy the tumor…

Neben der chargenweisen Überwachung ermöglicht das APM auch ein Monitoring in definierten Zeitintervallen, beispielsweise pro Schicht, Tag. Das Mikrofon wird dafür fest am Transportautomaten verbaut, so dass die Messung ebenfalls ohne Kontakt zum Medium und reproduzierbar erfolgt. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / In addition to batch-by-batch monitoring, the APM system can also be used for monitoring at defined time intervals, such as once a shift or once a day. For this, the microphone is fixed-mounted to the automatic transport system, meaning that these measurements are also performed in a reproducible manner without contact with the medium. (Photo credit: Ecoclean) Für die reproduzierbare, chargenweise Inline-Überwachung des Ultraschalls mit APM erfassen spezielle, ortsfest am Beckenrand platzierte Mikrofone Frequenz und Leistung. Analyse, Auswertung und Speicherung der ermittelten Daten erfolgen durch die Software des innovativen Messsystems. (Bildquelle: Ecoclean) / The APM reproducibly monitors ultrasonics parameters in-line for each batch using special microphones placed in a fixed position at the edge of the tank, which record the frequency and power. Analysis, evaluation and storage of the collected data are carried out by the innovative measuring system's software. (Photo credit: Ecoclean)
  • Cleaning | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

In-line ultrasonics monitoring with innovative APM solution from Ecoclean

Monitoring and documenting ultrasonic frequency and power in-line on a batch-by-batch basis

In high-purity industries, companies are increasingly faced with the challenge of recording and documenting all cleaning process parameters for each batch of parts. Until now, in-line measuring of ultrasonic frequency and power in fully automated immersion cleaning systems has been a problem. Thanks…


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Hydroflex MT-Messtechnik PMS Ecolab