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  • Electronics (wafers, semiconductors, microchips,...)

Multi-year framework agreement for semiconductor equipment in the upper double-digit million euro range concluded at the end of 2022.

Major order in the field of semiconductor equipment

The Jenoptik photonics group concluded a framework agreement with a global technology group at the end of 2022 with a total volume in the upper double-digit million euro range and a term of three years. The contract covers the manufacture of complex micro-optical components used in semiconductor pro…

Radiopharmaka kommen zum Einsatz, wenn gegen einen Tumor Chemotherapie, Operation oder Bestrahlung wirkungslos geblieben sind. In mikrophysiologischen Systemen lassen sich 3D-Tumormodelle in einer realistischen Mikroumgebung kultivieren, was die Testung exakter und gleichzeitig einfacher macht. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / Radiopharmaceuticals enter the picture when chemotherapy, surgery or radiation have proven ineffective against a tumor. Microphysiological systems emulate the micro environment of the body and are an easy to use platform for the cultivation of 3D tumor models. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Ein Projektteam von HZDR und Fraunhofer IWS forscht daran, mithilfe von sogenannten mikrophysiologischen Systemen Tierversuche zu reduzieren, die aktuell vor der Anwendung am Menschen notwendig sind. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / An HZDR and Fraunhofer IWS project team is researching how to use so-called microphysiological systems to reduce animal testing, which is currently necessary before human application. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Die ersten Tests mit den Multiorgan-Chips zeigten positive Ergebnisse. Die Bindung bekannter Substanzen an den Tumorsphäroiden funktionierte bereits. Geplant ist, die mikrophysiologischen Systemen um ein Nierenmodell und ein Leberorganoid zu erweitern. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS / First tests with the multi-organ chips already showed positive results. The binding of known substances to the tumor spheroids already worked. It is planned to further extend the microphysiological system by adding a kidney model and a liver organoid. © Amac Garbe/Fraunhofer IWS Bindung von [68Ga]Ga-C225 (2 nM) in MPS-Modulen an A431 (1, 2) und MDA-MB435S (3, 4); (2) zeigt die unspezifische Bindung an A431, (4) an MDA-MB435S (0,8 μM C225); unten: Diagramme von Sättigungsassays auf A431-Monolayer in MPS-Chips mit [64Cu]Cu-C225 (5) und [68Ga]Ga-C225 (6) (dunkelblaue, graue, grüne Symbole: gesamte, unspezifische, spezifische Bindung). © HZDR/Fraunhofer IWS / Binding of [68Ga]Ga-C225 (2 nM) in MPS-modules on A431 (A) and MDA-MB435S (C); (B) shows the nonspecific binding on A431, (D) on MDA-MB435S (0.8 μM C225); below: graphs of saturation assays on A431 monolayer in MPS chips with [64Cu]Cu-C225 (E) and [68Ga]Ga-C225 (F) (black, gray, red symbols: total, nonspecific, specific binding). © HZDR/Fraunhofer IWS
  • Science

Two Dresden Research Institutes want to Reduce the Number of Animal Experiments in Radiopharmaceutical Research with a New Idea

Radioactive Substances Fight Cancer in the Mini-lab

Radioactivity can save lives. When neither chemotherapy or surgery nor radiation from the outside help against a tumor, modern medicine uses so-called radiopharmaceuticals. These radioactive drugs not only detect cancer cells, they also enable targeted radiation from the inside to destroy the tumor…


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