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MEDICA + COMPAMED SEE YOU 2024 (© Constanze Tillmann/Messe Düsseldorf) Hochkarätig besetztes Bühnenprogramm diskutiert die
  • Trade fair

The German Hospital Conference is at the centre of the trade fair, offering top clinic managers easy access to company innovations

MEDICA 2024 + COMPAMED 2024: Adapted hall layout for even better integration of trade fair and accompanying programme

The final preparations for MEDICA 2024 and COMPAMED 2024 in Düsseldorf have begun. A total of more than 6,000 participants from approximately 70 countries will fill the entire hall space on the trade fair premises, and their innovations will highlight both events’ place as globally unique informa…

Unterschiedliche Getriebekomponenten effizient reinigen in der automatisierten BvL-Korbreinigungsanlage Niagara mit Portalsystem. / Efficient cleaning of different transmission components in the automated BvL Niagara basket cleaning system with gantry system. Die clever integrierte Bodenroller-Reinigungsstation verhindert ein erneutes Verschmutzen der Bodenroller nach dem Reinigungsprozess. / The cleverly integrated floor roller cleaning station prevents the floor rollers from getting dirty again after the cleaning process. Beispielfoto von Getriebekomponenten, die vor der Montage gründlich gereinigt werden müssen. / Example photo of gearbox components that must be thoroughly cleaned before assembly.
  • Cleaning | procedures, devices, agents, media (Wipers, Swaps,...)

Automotive supplier relies on automated cleaning system with gantry system

Efficient cleaning of transmission components after the production process

After the production process, transmission components such as spur gears, drive shafts, connecting shafts, axle drives and main gears must be thoroughly cleaned of the finest particles, chips, lubricants and oils. In addition to the high cleanliness requirements, the focus is naturally also on high…

  • Trade fair

Bormann & Neupert by BS&B präsentiert am 23. und 24. Oktober 2024 auch die neue „grüne“ Berstscheibe LSR auf der Hydrogen Technology Expo in Hamburg.

Sicherheitsarmaturen für Wasserstoff-Anwendungen

Wasserstoff ist einer der Wegbereiter für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft und ein wichtiger Baustein für die Energiewende, auch in der Chemie- und Verfahrensindustrie. Der äußerst effektive Energieträger lässt sich langfristig speichern und in zahlreichen Anwendungen einsetzen. Doch Produktion, Lag…

  • Trade fair

The special presentations offer in-depth insights into various key topics at the heart of the trade fair.

Special presentations provide in-depth expertise at Chillventa 2024

The energy transition, digitalisation, heat pumps and refrigerants in the context of sustainability and the circular economy will be the hot topics when renowned industry experts and key players present their innovative solutions to tradespeople at Chillventa from 8 to 10 October 2024. These special…


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Buchta Becker PPS MT-Messtechnik