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The design pathfinding PDK allows for digital designs with 2nm Gate All Around (GAA) technology including backside connectivity. The design pathfinding PDK allows for digital designs with 2nm Gate All Around (GAA) technology including backside connectivity.
  • Electronics (wafers, semiconductors, microchips,...)

The design pathfinding PDK lowers the threshold for academia and industry to access the most advanced semiconductor technologies

Imec Launches the First Design Pathfinding Process Design Kit for N2 Node

At the 2024 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, launches its open process design kit (PDK) with a concomitant training program offered through EUROPRACTICE. The PDK will enable virt…

nora systems norament 975 LL nora systems norament 975 LL
  • Floor

Der wiederverwendbare Kautschukbelag norament 975 LL bietet nun noch mehr Optionen für eine kreative Raumgestaltung und gleichzeitig ökologische Vorteile

Neue Designs für superflexible Böden

Der wiederaufnehmbare Kautschukbelag norament 975 LL, die clevere Bodenlösung für temporäre Nutzungen, ist jetzt in zwei neuen Designs erhältlich. Außer mit der bekannten Hammerschlag- und Reliefoberfläche gibt es die Fliesen nun auch im Ton-in-Ton- sowie einem naturgetreuen Granulatdesign. Di…

Spitzenforschung in Optik und Photonik braucht spezielle Reinräume für empfindliche Bauteile. (Foto: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT) / Cutting-edge research in optics and photonics needs special clean rooms for sensitive components. (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT) Im neuen KCOP stehen den Forschenden ab 2026 rund 2 000 Quadratmeter hochmoderne Reinraum- und Laborflächen zur Verfügung. (Abb.: Nickl & Partner) / At the new KCOP, about 2,000 square meters of highly modern clean room and laboratory areas will be available to researchers as of 2026. (Image: Nickl & Partner)
  • New building

Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics Sets Standard and Uses Synergies – Interdisciplinarity Pushes Exchange and Innovation

Optics and Photonics: High-tech Center for KIT

The Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics (KCOP) is taking shape. At the new, highly modern technology center of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), research teams will work on applications of light or photons. These include highly efficient photovoltaics, 6G communication and glass fiber n…


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PPS MT-Messtechnik ClearClean C-Tec