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All publications for the rubric New building

  • New building

Spanish government, region of Andalusia and imec sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the intention to establish a new 300mm R&D process line for specialized chip technologies

New R&D facility will complement imec’s 300mm cleanroom in Leuven with new processes and materials to boost innovation in upcoming domains such as health and augmented and virtual reality.

The Spanish government, together with the regional government of Andalusia and imec, a world-leading research and…

Spitzenforschung in Optik und Photonik braucht spezielle Reinräume für empfindliche Bauteile. (Foto: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT) / Cutting-edge research in optics and photonics needs special clean rooms for sensitive components. (Photo: Sandra Göttisheim, KIT) Im neuen KCOP stehen den Forschenden ab 2026 rund 2 000 Quadratmeter hochmoderne Reinraum- und Laborflächen zur Verfügung. (Abb.: Nickl & Partner) / At the new KCOP, about 2,000 square meters of highly modern clean room and laboratory areas will be available to researchers as of 2026. (Image: Nickl & Partner)
  • New building

Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics Sets Standard and Uses Synergies – Interdisciplinarity Pushes Exchange and Innovation

Optics and Photonics: High-tech Center for KIT

The Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics (KCOP) is taking shape. At the new, highly modern technology center of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), research teams will work on applications of light or photons. These include highly efficient photovoltaics, 6G communication and glass fiber n…

AIXTRON's neues Innovationszentrum Herzogenrath, 23.11.2023: Spatenstich zum Bau des neuen Innovationszentrums der AIXTRON SE am Standort Herzogenrath. V.l.n.r.: Dr. Christian Danninger, Finanzvorstand CFO AIXTRON SE, Dr. Benjamin Fadavian, Bürgermeister Stadt Herzogenrath, Dr. Felix Grawert, Vorsitzender des Vorstands CEO & President AIXTRON SE, Kim SChindelhauer, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender AIXTRON SE, Franz-Josef Türck-Hövener, Technischer Beigeordneter Stadt Herzogenrath. (Foto: AIXTRON/F.Stark)
  • New building

The leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry is investing around EUR 100 million at its headquarters in Herzogenrath, Germany. With this, AIXTRON is laying an important foundation for further successful growth.

AIXTRON starts construction of new innovation center

AIXTRON SE (FSE: AIXA, ISIN DE000A0WMPJ6) has officially started the construction of the new innovation center at its headquarters in Herzogenrath, Germany. The leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry is investing around EUR 100 million in 1000m2 of clean room with add…

Einweihung des ersten fest verbauten Reinraums am FAULHABER Standort Schönaich © FAULHABER / Opening of the first permanently installed clean room at the FAULHABER location in Schönaich (Germany) © FAULHABER
  • Modular rooms, Cabins

Opening of the first permanently installed clean room at the FAULHABER location in Schönaich (Germany)

New possibilities for the production of drives for medical technology

On September 13, 2023, the new clean room at the FAULHABER main location was unveiled and presented in the presence of the management board as well as those responsible for the project. The production area measuring 90 m² will in future be used to manufacture products for medical technology and the…


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PPS Vaisala C-Tec Systec & Solutions GmbH