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Practice seminar safety training cytostatic drugs

Praxisseminar Sicherheitstraining Zytostatika
Praxisseminar Sicherheitstraining Zytostatika
Under the slogan � maximum security by advanced training in line with standard usage � becomes the successful, formerly practice seminar organized by the T�V in the meantime in 15. Year accomplished. As advanced training seminar of the pharmacist chamber Hamburg (16 points) and the ADKA (15 points) recognized seminar take place due to the large demand since 2009 three times in the year in Hamburg: (06. /07.03.2009) � � . � � 19. /20.06.2009 � � . � � 13. /14.11.2009Die advanced training basedly on the proven and constantly optimized T�V concept and is organized since 2006 with large success by the company BERNESE INTERNATIONAL. The stronger focusing is new on the practical work, which covers approx. 40% of training course contents. For this and others several safety work benches will be to the participants at the disposal. The practice seminar addresses itself to everything, those in the vocational everyday life with CMR drugs goes around (pharmacist, physicians, PTA � s, maintenance personnel, laboratory leader etc.). A goal is the safe handling of CMR drugs (e.g. cytostatic drugs, Virusstatika). The organizers would like to reach this by the switching of practice-relevant contents and particularly by the practical course work in small's groups. In the context of the advanced training numerous topics from the vocational everyday life are treated, like e.g. legal bases, function of safety work benches, GMP in the pharmacy laboratory, personal protection equipment up to cleaning and disinfection of surfaces uvm. An emphasis is the practical work on the safety work benches. In small's groups on different jobs the participants can practice-relevant aspects in handling cytostatic drugs experience and test. In addition practical courses belong over aseptisches manufacturing, EDP supported production, emergency situations, cleaning of contaminated surfaces uvm. Thus the participant inside locally simulated cytostatic drugs can eliminate burying with a SpillKit or the cleaning of contaminated surfaces with most diverse methods/cleaning agents would drive through. Visualized with special procedures will the results and the successful conversion of the learned can be examined immediately. The practice seminar takes place in close co-operation and with advisers of the following institutions: T�V north CERT, professional association for health service and welfare care (BGW), Institut for energy and environmental technology (IUTA), Federal association of German hospital pharmacists (ADKA), federation of the cytostatic drug-manufacturing pharmacists and pharmacist inside with sterile laboratory in public pharmacies (VZA) and the standard committees DIN 12980 and DIN EN 12469.Weitere information to contents or registration receive you under Tel.: 04121/4356 0, or

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Praxisseminar Sicherheitstraining Zytostatika

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