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Light for bodies and soul: Zumtobel lights up university clinic Hamburg Eppendorf

Licht für Körper und Seele: Zumtobel beleuchtet Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Licht für Körper und Seele: Zumtobel beleuchtet Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
In a revolutionary manner in hospital architecture the draft of the recently opened university clinical center is Munich in Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) that architect Professor Hans Nickl and Professor Christine Nickl Weller. The medical director, J�rg Felix Debatin, speaks new �bersichtlichkeit" of one �;. The building accommodates 16 operating rooms including intensive care units and over 700 beds. All supply installations and specialized divisions are in such a way arranged that for coworkers and patients the ways are nevertheless short and the treatment of matching disease pictures is facilitated. The term � modern" by the new UKE now many more complex and in the sense of the descriptive change one defines: The UKE is the most modern clinical center of Europe, because with the conception of the new building highest priority was that first of all the personnel can work cost-efficiently and at the same time qualitatively on highest level. And secondly, because one assumed the patient � a Kunde" of age; and if its recovery is not only result of good medical supply, but also result of an atmosphere is, in which itself the patient waived, umsorgt and probably feels. The efficient organization of the hospital enterprise runs behind the scenes off for the patient and visitor of the house to a large extent invisibly. This supports the convalescence just like the very comfortably arranged bed tract. � the Unterkunft" the patient resembles a hotel room in the UKE rather as a cell. The patient rooms are painted in warm colors and have dark Parkettb�den. To each bed its own Multimediaeinheit, which permits to the patient to look independently of the bed neighbour TV belongs to telephone or in the Internet surf - naturally everything with headphone. The Conboard utilities supply panel with connections for heavy current, gas supply and communications technology, developed in co-operation with the architect's office and the UKE, was integrated into a high-quality cabinet system. The innovative light steering element steering of the bed light provides with their separated adjustable components for space, reading and LED orientation light for light culture up-to-date and an aesthetic in the patient rooms. The otherwise usual visibility of technical connections in the direct patient surrounding field is avoided by this solution and thus the foreign effect of a hospital surrounding field is reduced. In this Duktus also the hospital boulevard in the 2nd OG is to be understood. With its patient library, Cafeteria, restaurant, business, hairdresser, Internet offer and a branch to that Hamburg savings bank guarantees he cure two-leagues a hospitalization. Within these ranges the light planners placed an uncomplicated orientation into the foreground. They selected a light up-to-date in their gradlinigen stylistic idiom, which illuminates the areas pleasantly and for a homogeneous appearance provides. Also this belongs to the requirement profile of a modern hospital. The UKE is one of the first hospitals, which it creates that the patient does not receive the feeling of the break when crossing the main entrance from the outside world. A hospital must exhibit a similarly unhomogene structure in the subjective view of the patient, how it is present in our everyday life, and as an alive place to be understood: It must offer public and less public ranges, to times of day must remain recognizable and individual needs of the patients, so far possible, consider. Project information: University clinic Hamburg EppendorfBauherr: University clinic Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg/DArchitektur: Nickl & Partners architects, Munich/DLichtplanung: Ebert and Partner, N�rnberg/DLichtl�sung university clinic Hamburg Eppendorf: ZumtobelSLOTLIGHT installation lights, TECTON optical pattern system, PANOS Downlights, CONBOARD light and utility system (special solution), PERLUCE light system, ONLITE rescue indication lights, CLEAN pure room lights, CLARIS pendulum lights

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Further information

Zumtobel Lighting GmbH
6851 Dornbirn


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