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Becker Ecolab Systec & Solutions GmbH ClearClean

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ABB corresponds to highest requirements of the test specification industry

05pt; margin bottom: 12.0pt; margin left: 0pt; LINE height: 150%; mso pagination: none; font size: 12.0pt; mso bidi font size: 10.0pt; font family: Garamond; mso fareast font family: Times; mso bidi font family: " Times new Roman" ; mso bidi font style: italic;} @page Section1 {size: 595.3pt 841.9pt; margin: 70.85pt 70.85pt 56.7pt 70.85pt; mso header margin: 35.4pt; mso footer margin: 35.4pt; mso PAPER SOURCE: 0;} div. Section1 {PAGE: Section1;} --> Productions in the Photovoltaik industry go through many manufacturing and process cycles with high requirements. Straight ones in the highly sensitive production of thin section solar modules lead minimum impurities themselves within the �-range to striking reductions in quality. Today already pure space robots are necessary, in order to fulfill internationally rising quality requirements and production flows efficiently for many tasks of manufacturing. ABB extends its product range therefore by certified pure space robots for most different Einsatzbereiche.Das Fraunhofer Institut for production engineering and automation IPA in Stuttgart examined in extensive procedures three further robots of ABB for pure space fitness and surface purity. Measurements and test lasting for weeks of the robots IRB 140, IRB 360 and IRB 1600 were locked in December 2008 with very good results. The evaluations were made according to ISO 14644 and after guidelines of the VDI. First the respective test environment was defined, the robots was cleaned and the operating parameters specified. All three robots did not consciously only become in the no-load operation, but on material conditions with 50% and 100% speed in all robot axles observes and measured. All three models besides for sedimentische particles were examined. Likewise whether the cleaning of the surfaces is to be handled simple. The IRB 140 is the most compact 6-achsige-Roboter of FIG. the robust Design with wiring completely on the inside offers a high flexibility and an ideal condition for pure space's applications. In addition orders the robot with its to the rear bouncing upper arm and the radius of action from +180� to� -180� in axle 1 over a large work area. With its handling capacity of 6 kg, the robot in its class sets yardsticks for a range in the fifth axle of 810 mm and the flexible assembly. Fraunhofer evaluated the robot with pure class of area 6 in accordance with ISO with the IRB 360 FlexPicker� became the second generation of delta robots for precise Pick & Place applications after pure space fitness examined. Also its extremely high speed, highest accuracy, absolute reliability and high handling capacity up to 3 kg flowed into the evaluation fastest robots of its class. In accordance with ISO Fraunhofer judged the IRB 360 FlexPickerTM with 50% speed with pure class of area 4, at 100% with pure class of area 5.Nicht the IRB 1600 as � the Jacks of all trades � is in vain designated. It is fast, sturdily, flexibly mountable (standing, hanging and diagonally) and had an upper arm bouncing to the rear. Thus it is versatile applicable in numerous applications. The second generation of the ABB software TrueMoveTM and QuickMoveTM improves the course accuracy and cycle times. Besides the intelligent software supervises the internal load of the robot. Thereby overloading are avoided which life span increases. The handling capacity is with 8,5 kg, which became accordingly range with 1,45 M. � of the Allrounder � IRB 1600 with pure class of area 5 in accordance with ISO von Fraunhofer evaluated. The multilevel pure space lacquer finish of ABB worked already outstanding with cleaning; she was taken over therefore also for the new pure space robots. The special lacquer finish of the pure space robots is developed on three films of varnish: Priming, white lacquer and clear finish coating. The pure space robots are carefully cleaned against supply to the customers and protected in double foil packing. The first situation is removed in the Vorraum of the pure area, in order to remove possible transportation contamination. The second foil is only removed in the pure area. With this two-stage procedure high requirements for cleanliness are fulfilled. Realizations and evaluations of the robot IRB 6640 already certified flowed into the recent test procedures of Fraunhofer. With thus four certified models ABB within almost any handling range orders that � also for the Photovoltaik industry - a pure space robot. ABB Robotics supplies ideal tools with its pallet of pure space robots for the increase of the productivity by reduced production costs with rising numbers of items with continuously high quality.�

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Hydroflex Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH C-Tec Kretz + Wahl