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Pure space robot for solarly modules

Reinraum-Roboter für Solar Module
Reinraum-Roboter für Solar Module
The solar industry developed in few years to one of the most promising global energy markets. Maximum security, best handling and fastest handling are in demand. � s makes a high performance, flexible, robot automation adapted to the special requirements of the Photovoltaikindustrie possible. The demand like an explosion for solar electricity places the Photovoltaikindustrie before increased requirements at productivity, quality and substantial lowered manufacturing costs. The automation expert Schiller was assigned the complete automation of a factory for the production of thin section Photovoltaik substrates. In the fastidious production of thin film solar cells on glass substrate basis the substrate goes through several manufacturing and process stations. Transport and conversion of the one and a half of square meters large and only three millimeters of thin, sensitive substrates must take place thereby gently and carefully however at the same time fast and precisely. That concerns the accurately given loading and unloading and the shifting of substrates or process equipment. The substrates are taken from the transport containers position-exactly and transported in the processing units. They may not be damaged or polluted. A thought out logistics in pure space giving is thereby unentbehrlich.IRB 6640 such tasks complex in pure space execution is only fully automated realizable. Schiller engineers had to find as fast as possible the suitable robot for the project. According to Bernhard Fr�h, the project manager of Schiller, had to fulfill the robot the requirements of the pure class of area 5 and be extremely high performance regarding precision and cycle times. ABB (division Robotics) modified the robot IRB 6640 in pure space execution in close co-operation with Schiller. Format and weight of the windowpanes are difficult to handle, a manual manufacturing are from there not conceivable. Only the robot employment in the individual process sections makes the project realization possible. The close dialogue between Schiller and ABB was extremely positive and flowed into the robot pure space certification (ISO 146441). Three films of varnish (priming, white lacquer, finish coating) distinguish the ABB pure space robot. Before the lacquer finish screws and inspection entrances are covered and partly protected afterwards for the simple cleaning with cover cases. Regulatory and a totally enclosed cable run partly are the cables into closed Kabelschlepps. Thus particle entry is prevented by cable abrasion. Micro flakings of lacquer are with the robot employment a critical point. The ABB focus is directed from there during the robot production to be sufficient for this pure space default: Possible contamination places are locked by the factory with metal plates. Before distribution the pure space robots go through a special cleaning and doubly in foil are packed, which lowest foil only removed in the pure area. The IRB 6640 fulfills all� Pure space criteria and is not only therefore optimally suitable for the thin film or electronic industry. For shortest cycle times and highest productivity the Quick move function of the movement control provides. The positioning accuracy moves owing to True move functionality within 0.07 mm. The IRB 6640 has a range of 2,55m � 3.20 m and a handling capacity of 130 kg � 235 kg. High Leistungsf�higkeitSchiller needed a scarce year for project engineering and realization of the entire project including integration of the robots only. Meanwhile already further fully automated plants, TF were developed solarly Cell Fab automation, in solar module manufacturing. Schiller needed a scarce year for project engineering and realization of the project including robot integration. A special software arranges efficient operational sequence, collects relevant data and has workpieces and quality standards always in the view. Six ABB pure space robots contribute to an annual production of 20 megawatts. They adapt without aufw�ndige construction and development to the respective production situation and make themselves additional modifications possible over programming. List and first start-up took place before the complete assembly at the customer first with Schiller. In addition ones for general plant training by Schiller the ABB training center accomplished a special briefing for the safe operation of the pure space robots. First empiric reports occupy the high efficiency of the ABB pure space robots, which increase the production efficiency clearly with maximum security.�

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