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Pyrogene silicic acid successfully in accordance with REACH registers

Pyrogene Kieselsäure erfolgreich gemäss REACH registriert
Pyrogene Kieselsäure erfolgreich gemäss REACH registriert
That Munich chemical concern UPRIGHT ONE let successfully register the pyrogenen silicic acids belonging to the group of materials � silicon dioxide � after REACH. This announced the European chemical agency ECHA in the middle of March. In Helsinki resident authority confirmed the completeness of the registration documents in accordance with the regulation for the registration, evaluation, permission and restriction of chemical materials (REACH). MORE UPRIGHT belongs thereby to the first enterprises world-wide, which pyrogene silicic acids manufacture also further without reservation, import and marked out may. With the Vorregistrierung at the beginning of June 2008 had already advanced the chemical concern the chemical-legal registration of HDK� of pyrogener silicic acid � so the label name of the product � promptly. The REACH registration taken place now is based on an extensive material dossier, which was provided by an industrial consortium under active participation of UPRIGHT ONES. The dossier contains a multiplicity of physicochemical data to the group of materials and is based among other things also on the results particularly made toxicological, epidemiological and �kotoxikologischer study-upright produces HDK� by hydrolysis of volatile chlorosilanes in a detonating gas flame. Highly pure, amorphous silicon dioxide in powder form, also hochdisperse pyrogene silicic acid develops mentioned. Characteristic characteristic of HDK� is apart from the purity the very large specific surface of the particles. This lends most different, technologically interesting Eigenschaften.HDK� to the material is suitable for example to rheology control of coating materials and printing inks as well as of sticking and sealing materials. HDK� is used however also to the reinforcement of silicone elastomers, to polishing of Siliciumwafern and as highly effective heat-insulating material. Furthermore it becomes in toiletries (e.g. Tooth paste), food and pharmaceuticals as verdickungs and/or Rieselhilfsmittel assigned. �

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