Microsoft setzt bei berührungsempfindlichen Displays auf das Know-how von Evonik
The future of the computer begins on a table. More exactly: on a projection surface, which is let in into the table. Because can be steered Microsoft SurfaceTM alone by movements on the surface - even by several persons at the same time. The crucial element supplies Evonik.Etwas inconspicuously works the transparent plastic plate, which is stacked straight carefully on a pallet. Lost this pallet in the enormous works resounds, with its several floors high shelves, which extend over hundreds of meters. But the workers, who make a new load on this morning, know: They hold a nearly already revolutionary technology in their hands. Because the transparent PLEXIGLAS� plate is to change in the future the way, as we deal with the computer: Instead of mouse click or keyboard entry hands a contact with the finger, in order to open files to shift pictures or play films. This becomes possible by touch-sensitive displays. That in Hessian far city manufactured plastic plate a large future has before itself, but the most well-known software enterprise of the world ensures � Microsoft developed the Surface computer and markets it now under the name � Microsoft SurfaceTM �, a computer to the touching work visit with the Evonik R�hm GmbH, a subsidiary of the Evonik company. In a darkened area a PLEXIGLAS� plate is from downside lit up. Patrick Spiller bends itself concentrated over the display, looks for several minutes for tiny vesicles, inclusions, impurities in the plate. � we must seize each fault, are also still as small it as one point at the end of a sentence �, explain to the young Chemikant, which coordinates the processing steps in far city. No miracle, gave Microsoft completely exact specifications nevertheless. A tiny vesicle on the meter-large surface would lead immediately to the fact that the plate is segregated. The user, who serves once the display later, is not to be finally diverted. This touch-sensitive display is a nuclear element Microsoft of the SurfaceTM. Whether in a hotel lobby or in the restaurant: Microsoft wants to use the interactive Surface computer world-wide. The first Surface copies are located already in selected business of the US enterprise RK & T as well as in the casinos of Harrahs in read Vegas. But which makes Microsoft the SurfaceTM so particularly? The answer is completely simple. The Touch displays � for instance with ticket automats or certain Handymodellen (� One Touch devices �), already existing, � can react only to a contact with only one finger. With the Surface computer several persons can work at the same time with a computer and start applications (� Multi Touch �). � the system recognizes more than 50 contacts and/or. Articles at the same time. Theoretically one could work thus also with all ten fingers at the same time on the surface �, describes Dr. Alexander Laschitsch, technical project manager at Evonik R�hm. � that is a genuine projection/lead compared with technologies already existing. � the 37-J�hrige must know it: He worked from the outset with the Microsoft Surface team on the development of the Surface display. As a product manager it knows the market, the competitive position and the completely special requirements, which the software enterprise made of talking moon places. In order to make the simultaneous operation possible by several persons, special optical characteristics are integrated in the display. They ensure for the fact that all finger movements at the surface are seized. And the know-how of many years from Evonik comes exactly here to carrying - both the plate and the foils are out PLEXIGLAS�, a brand name of the industrial trust. At the beginning in the production process the Polymethlymethacrylat so called (PMMA) is whole, a glass-similar plastic. From the liquid mass 2 meters large and 25 millimeters strong plates originate in to 3 x. Workers examine already in this production step each plate for impurities. Then the hundredweight-heavy plastic parts are cut in different sizes and strengths. So that the plastic exists however the strict quality requirements for Microsoft the SurfaceTM, an unusual process is necessary. Equipped with mouth protection and special clothes, the coworkers stick PLEXIGLAS� plates and foils together there. So that no impurities develop, one must reduce the dust load extremely. This becomes possible by special filters and a high-pressure atmosphere. � in a normal living room they have 1000-Mal more particle than told in our pure area �, Evonik coworker Gerd Mach suffering, which supervises this production stage. � the Surface � - surface is later again with the utmost care examined. Then the error free displays become using the PLEXIGLAS� plate into the Surface computer insert. Future users, who tap on the display, will hardly suspect, which complex process is behind it. Whereupon one is proud in far city and Darmstadt, where a majority of engineers, project planners and operation managers researches and works. In addition, the development of the Surface display means in other regard a milestone: The Evonik R�hm GmbH manufactures for the first time not only a semi-finished material, i.e. PLEXIGLAS� in certain qualities, but supplies equal a finished system. � PLEXIGLAS� of course 75 years old �, says project manager Laschitsch is. � however it is due to its characteristics a very good material basis for new, innovative applications. Thus the product will open also in the future still another set of interesting possibilities. �
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