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Data base "Cleanroom Suitable of material - CSM"

Datenbank ?Cleanroom Suitable Materials - CSM?
Datenbank ?Cleanroom Suitable Materials - CSM?

Fraunhofer the IPA accomplishes extensive investigations at materials for the pure space employment since 2004 in the context of the industrial group � Cleanroom Suitable of material �. Since then procedures were compiled to the evaluation of the particle emission at combinations of material as well as the degassing behavior and a multiplicity was examined of material samples. The CSM data base contains in the meantime more than 150 material mating about particle emission with approx. 1,000 tribologischen pictures, friction values, time processes, particle size distributions, classifications etc. as well as a multiplicity of degassing investigations (Spektogramme, total quantity TVOC, quantity of the individual degassing components and dangerous substances). The data base is ordered a knowledge platform for clean-spacesuited materials and over extensive search and sort functions. It is to the CSM Verbundpartnern on-line freely at the disposal, guests can the data base against payment temporally limited use. Besides the possibility exists of seeing example results in the public range for interested one. Fraunhofer the IPA accomplishes currently investigations about specified above (particle emission, degassing). Beyond that new topic fields are examined for the extension of the industrial group. Selected topic fields are for example the amplifier off changeableness, the Abreinigbarkeit of particles, the adhesion of microorganisms and the particle emission among vacuum condition partners: Dr. - engineer Udo Gommel; Dipl. - engineer franc citizen; Dipl. - Biol. (t.o.) Markus cellar; Dipl. - engineer Guido;;;�

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Kretz + Wahl Ecolab Buchta