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Data base � TESTED DEVICE �

Fraunhofer the IPA accomplishes investigations for 20 years to the pure space fitness at most diverse manufactured products up to production plants. The multiplicity at test results out over 600 manufactured products provides that to Fraunhofer IPA with the data base Fraunhofer TESTED DEVICE freely for users and users in the Internet to Verf�gung.Die the data base is an international platform for clean-spacesuited manufactured products. Here on the one hand all project partners Fraunhofer of the IPA their know according to uniform methods examined and evaluated products with the test results freely to make available and on the other hand interested after these products to investigate. In the data base the following information is contained: � test results � test parameters � documents � certificates � certificates � product informations � AnsprechpartnerDabei decide excluding the project partners Fraunhofer of the IPA whether and to which extent their results in the data base become freely accessible. De-energizing their data is made independently by a personal on-line entrance. Changes are at any time possible. The data base had extensive search and sort functions, for example can be limited and sorted according to manufacturer, product, product category or testing time area. Frequently looked for products appear under so called speed on the left of and are fast discoverable thereby. Beyond that the validity of the assigned certificates can be examined over the data base by means of the report number. Fraunhofer the IPA requests up-to-date the releases of the project partners. Until today more than 150 products are in the data base accessible. Partner: Dr. - engineer Udo Gommel; Dipl. - engineer franc citizen; Dipl. - engineer Guido;;�

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Systec & Solutions GmbH HJM Buchta MT-Messtechnik