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The 11th annual CleanRooms Europe conference and exhibition saw 1.700 industry professionals visit this year � s event in Stuttgart, Germany. The 3 day event, hero RK the new ones fair Stuttgart witnessed the gathering OF the cleanroom Design & construction, contamination control technology and hospital hygiene/infection control of industries ton learn, discuss and lake, roofridge hand, leading of technologies and development. John Haystead, Event Director and Publisher CleanRooms Group, said, � the pits the current challenging economic times, incoming goods of acres delighted with the support and response from the industry that came tons visit CleanRooms Europe, as A delegate, visitor or exhibitor. � � With A host OF information gathering and learning experiences from the conference and workshop ton the exhibition displaying new innovation, products and services for the cleanroom industry, there which excellent feedback on the quality OF visitors through on the exhibition floor and into the conference rooms. Nearly 70 exhibitors enjoyed the CleanRooms Europe exhibition and many reported good business, some even UP tons of 200% increase 2008 in business on event. � continued Haystead.The CleanRooms Europe of 2009 conference programs which structured around the highly relevantly and timely theme: Improving Productivity and Lowering Lifecycle Costs. The conference saw A full programs OF educational and informative presentation, with presentation from many industry figureheads, including: - Mrs Sheila Hamilton, Technical Director RK Teknek Ltd., UK, spoke about � The impact OF contamination on photovoltaic production � into the Photovoltaics TRACK Professor. Richard James, Director, Centre for Healthcare Associated Infections RK the University OF Nottingham, UK, gave A presentation about � supernose: media hype or A threat ton the healthcare system � into the hospital hygiene & Infection control TRACK Mr Maurice Brynaert, Sales Executive Cleanrooms for Isocab NV, Belgium presented � evolution in the cleanroom � into the Life Science Manufacturing Facilities & Processes TRACK Mr Eric Stuiver, Strategic Advisor from Deerns Consulting Engineers, The Netherlands spoke on � The future cleanroom facility; A commodity or A tailormade suit? � into the Advanced Manufacturing Facilities & Processes TRACK Mr Conor Murray, Chairman OF the ICCCS and Managing Director RK 3dimension Cleanroom Design & Construct, Irish country gave A � progress report on the ISO 14644 Series OF standard including at update on the 10 year review OF ISO 14644 � 1& 2 � into the standards & Regulatory Activities TRACK Dr Udo Gommel, Head OF Ultraclean Technology and Micromanufacturing RK the Fraunhofer institutes OF Manufacturing engineering and automation, Germany provided A � Welcome ton of European technology platform for micro and nano manufacturing (MINAM) � into the Nanotechnology trackThe conference off-talk A unique bilingual (simultaneous English/German, German/English translation) conference programs that which enjoyed by the attending contamination/infection control and clean manufacturing professionals, who were able tons of updates their knowledge ton ensure and advance their operational and business success. Contamination control Essentials WorkshopA full house saw the ever in demand " Contamination control Essentials" � workshop presented by internationally acknowledged and expert instructor Dr Hans layer. Dr layer � s intensive, full day workshop provided cleanroom and contamination control professionals and of operator with A thorough understanding and hands on appreciation OF the many important considerations involved into the Design, build and per by operation OF A clean facility. � With look for at array OF exhibitors and industry speakers on more offer, incoming goods were delighted with the general feedback from visitors on the quality OF the pair of overalls event. The conference speakers, with their industry experience, were able tons impart this knowledge tons on interested audience willing tons learn more, whilst the exhibition off-talks the opportunity for discovering new technologies, products and services. And of report OF good business being done on the show floor is extremely encouraging, demonstrating the importance OF CleanRooms Europe ton the industry as annual event on into the industry calendar. � concluded John Haystead.

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