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The purists � Dustcontrol

Die Puristen ? Dustcontrol
Die Puristen ? Dustcontrol
clean area on-line spoke during the CleanRooms 2009 with Mr. Mark L�ffler, sales managers S�dwest. They offer suction systems. What exactly is to be understood by it? Mark of L�ffler: We are active in two ranges. On the one hand we cover the range of the mobile exhaust, on the other hand offer we stationary plants. We have the mobile devices in all sizes to have to use equipped according to standard with cyclone technology, a main filter in the internal area with large filter surfaces and with manual Handreinigung, so that the operator can use the equipment on long time, without each week a service. In addition they have according to standard a Hepa micro filter, i.e., we can separate types of dust here with a degree of separation of 99,995 per cent. That corresponds to a classification, which is needed in the pure areas. Our second large section are the stationary plants, to which a tubing system is angedockt and for whole factories over several floors to be used to be able. Who are your customers? M.L.: We are not only in the pure area, but represent in all branches of industry as for instance also in the building of metals, in the building sector, in the food and the pharmaceutical industry. That means everywhere, where types of dust or materials develop, which must be disposed of, need one a suction plant. With new buildings of factories of the IT or electronic industry with the building valves are often already let in the walls or grounds, to which a tubing system are angedockt and which can put operator in its suction accessories. Besides we offer systems, with which mobile devices or central plants are attached directly to machines. An example from the pharmaceutical industry is for instance a tablet press. Here generally develop types of dust, which must be continuously disposed of. Therefore the plant runs here around the clock, sucks the types of dust, filters it and separates it, so that they can be disposed of afterwards. So a clean production can be ensured. And which is there clean-spacespecifically? M.L.: We must equip our technology exactly the same as the suction accessories GMP conformal. We have particularly for it pure space valves with smooth surfaces which can be cleaned easily such as high-grade steel and plastic, so that no types of dust and other material can settle on a long-term basis. In addition the cleaning agents, which are used at these surfaces, may attack the material not on a long-term basis. However the mobile or stationary devices are usually in the external area placed, so that the validation necessity can be neglected. What is the special at the cyclone technology and the Hepa filter? M.L. : Devices with cyclone effect have a tangential inlet on the side and to produce such a so-called centrifugal force principle with sucking off. Thus first the rough materials in our suction systems are delivered downward into a plastic bag, the large main filters clean the flow rate with the actual fine types of dust. The micro filtering by means of Hepa filter is finally the third stage. This three-stage technology increases the filter endurances and generally is in our devices.� Which characteristics and strengths have does the enterprise to otherwise still offer? M.L.: Our key word is the point exhaust, i.e., we tries as near as possible to the place to go, where the material must be sucked off. In addition we supply the complete engineering, the installation, the start-up of the plant and the service. And we have technically trained sales people, which with advice and act locally for the order. Our products are effectively, steal-oriented, to work around the wear against and them get still spare parts for the first Sauger, which we sold before thirty years. In addition the central plants are developed in modular construction, which makes it possible, without extending and convert problems. Finally we introduced this year the so-called � Green system with the central plants �. It concerns a kind plant control, which saves energy, as the suction system runs only in the status, which is needed straight. All in all we try to make the impossible for the customer possible. The health of humans is the center of attention with us. Which expectations have you to the Messetage? M.L.: The CleanRooms for us is general the most important fair in the pure space range. It offers the appropriate parquet to us, in order to present our products to the visitors to attach new business contacts and maintain existing customer relations. We can inform the visitors personally about the strengths of our products. Also this year was the CleanRooms � despite the momentary market situation � for us success. Dustcontrol was created 1972 by an Austrian in Sweden. Its idea: To build suction systems, which suck off point-exactly. In the meantime the Swedish enterprise with seat in Norsborg (proximity Stockholm) extended internationally, those products in 22 countries was world-wide driven out. In Germany the main center of the subsidiary in G�ufelden Nebringen lies with gentleman Mr., Baden-Wuerttemberg. Dustcontrol offers stationary and mobile suction systems.

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W.A. Schuster GmbH
Mozartstraße 45
70180 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 9640350
Fax: +49 711 9640366

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