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The developers � Fraunhofer IPA

Die Entwickler ? Fraunhofer IPA
Die Entwickler ? Fraunhofer IPA
clean area on-line spoke during the CleanRooms 2009 with Mr. Frank Friedrich citizen, key account manager certification Reinst and micro production which carries that for Fraunhofer out IPA concerning pure area? Franc Friedrich citizen: In the department Reinst and micro production work approximately 40 coworkers and woman employees as well as 20 to 30 auxiliary workers, who usually still study or make straight their diploma. We are occupied with things, which are small and which concern purity, particularly in the area of contamination control, logistics, IT, handling and with materials. Completely importantly is also the certification of plants and of devices on pure space fitness. In this area we co-operate much with partners from the industry. What exact is that called? F.F.B.: That means on the one hand that we develop the manufacturing IT, - logistics, - concepts and optimize plants. But we provide the software. Thus for example a whole chip factory can be steered and adjusted exactly that the whole production steps interlink and function. Logistics in addition takes place at the computer, here illustrates we whole factories with its individual processes in software models. Thus the production ways and individual step in moved pictures are to be seen, animated, quasi like a film, and one can play different scenarios to the end, in order to find out about, how much one needs parallel distances, so that it does not come to the production back-up, or how quickly the individual processes must be. On the other hand we help to find out companies, which specific degree of purity their products to need, as pure production must look and be kept which pure classes of area should. Additionally we advise it likewise in the range of materials. About, which materials can one for example for a robot take or which sealing materials, which lubrication materials are suitably? For third we offer also seminars for pure space personnel. And which has it with the certification of plants on itself? F.F.B.: We determine the pure space fitness rules and guidelines appreciative by plants according to, which we partly compiled. That is, as issue appropriate certificates, documents and report, with which our customers can go toward their customers. Meanwhile we have a data base, in which those, whose plants we judged, can present and thus to the public at the disposal put their results after own discretion. In this connection we research also within the range measuring technique for purity, develop cleaning methods and integrate these into appropriate production plants. Does their department research also at measuring techniques within the range of the nanotechnology? F.F.B.: We are about to develop measuring techniques as well as to measure the safety risks of the new technology. But in addition I can say still nothing. Harm. And the solar technology? F.F.B.: For this range we have a special team, which is occupied with it. Many manufacturers do not know yet whether they must undertake clean-spacetechnically anything at all. In any case we are to be examined about, one actually does not need which pure space conditions for the Photovoltaikindustrie and which. But one is still relative there at the beginning. The strength the Fraunhofer institutes lies in the research. In addition what constitutes the however position characteristic of your department? F.F.B. : We have a comprehensive, branchspreading know-how, which concerns all pure space ranges, and we do not want to sell products. With us the customers will advise neutrally. What do you expect of the CleanRooms? F.F.B.: Here we attach above all new contacts. And ran so far well. Despite financial crisis? F.F.B.: Clean-room technology is a future industry. It becomes increasingly more important for some branches of industry, which were so far not concerned with this topic, because different processes and applications without a certain purity do not function any longer or do not lead also to desired success. The department of Reinst and micro production is belonged to part of the institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation (IPA) to the Fraunhofer Society. This maintains 57 institutes and more than 80 research establishments in all of Germany with approximately 15. 000 scientific woman employees and coworkers. It is with a research volume research applied by 1.4 billion euro the prominent organization for in Europe and is world-wide present by addresses in Europe, the USA, Asia and in the Near East.

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Further information

reinraum online
W.A. Schuster GmbH
Mozartstraße 45
70180 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 9640350
Fax: +49 711 9640366


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