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Pure area on-line one on the CleanRooms 2009

 Reinraum Online auf der CleanRooms 2009
Reinraum Online auf der CleanRooms 2009
Bustle where the eye looks. The fairground seems apparently endless to extend to Stuttgart airport. Numerous humans in suit or in comfortable leisure clothes, often mobile phone at the ear, are involved here in and out, accredit themselves at the switches and navigate their Trolleys in the tow-line by courses and resounding. Of 24. to 26. March, nearly at the same time with the trade fair for electro-technology and electronics, takes place in this year the CleanRooms Europe, and to eleventh Mal.Das the concept of the CleanRooms Europe is as simple already as conclusive: The product is the center of attention to be able to place to touching and examining and over directly questions. In this year approximately 80 exhibitors from Europe, in addition, for example from China, present Malaysia and the USA at just as many conditions novelties and proof of worth. Additionally conferences stand and lectures, which are accomplished owing to simultaneous interpreters on English and German, with considerable international experts from the industry on the program, here above all also with the focus on the future industries for the pure area such as solar and Photovoltaik or nanotechnology. Superordinate topic is � the improvement of the productivity and lowering of the life cycle costs �. Additionally there is a basis Workshop to contamination control, which by an expert with international reputation, Dr. Hans layer is accomplished. In resounds 8 remains it in this year nevertheless visiblly. Many the exhibitor make responsible for it not only the financial crisis, but also the fact that in this year two pure space meetings, which CleanRooms likewise placed and for this year in March Lounge only me one week distance takes place. But Glenn Ensor, Director OF internationally Events in English office of the fair organizer PennWell, is optimist: � that the two meetings follow so near one another, become, mean to it we to work � it smiling. � I believe nevertheless, we live in a world, in which both concepts have a real chance to function next to each other: the CleanRooms, which concentrates on the product exactly the same as the pure area Lounge, with which above all the Networking stands in the foreground. � open and friendly the statement. Exactly the same as the work atmosphere, which prevails here, concentrates consolidated and. To conditions talked shop, it will become detail to products and services described, discussed the newest measuring techniques and above all also attached contacts and exchanged visiting cards. Exclusive organizer of the fair for some years is American media concern PennWell, which maintains addresses in Great Britain, Hong Kong and Germany, Swabian Gm�nd, and world-wide acted. The enterprise fairs, but does not organized only publish also print products and on-line magazines, which industries like the oil and gas industry, which energy production and power supply, electronics, semiconductor manufacturing, pure area or pharmacy serve. And since 1910. Therefore with the organizers from the USA and Great Britain special value on the tradition one puts. The fair in Stuttgart is important to them. That is to be recognized by the fact that particularly for it for instance Glenn Ensor from Upshire, England, and John S. Haystead, editor-in-chief of the magazine traveled � CleanRooms � from Nashua, the USA. The latter arranged also the program and loaded the international advisers. Nevertheless: In Swabian Gm�nd and on the fair Sabine Staiger is a boss also here. Since 2006 it is also on board, in order to thus worry about � the very German led fair �, Ensor. � we organize many fairs world-wide, � say it. � most walk. But the CleanRooms will remain probably always in Germany, and here in Stuttgart. � because pure space Europe is concentrated on the German-language countries now times much. Nevertheless the internationality of the fair is particularly important to the organizers. And of the exchange the German market can only profit. Despite general financial crisis Haystead for the pure space industry sees large chances and new operational areas. For instance within the range of the solar technology, which stands for the second time on the agenda of the conference program. � in addition, the molecular contamination is now a completely large topic �, says it. � new pure space conditions and a new measuring technique, that need the new generation of the semiconductors are for the industry an absolutely stretching field. � and then naturally the nanotechnology, which for the first time in this year a place in the course of lectures found. � those are new possibilities, in order to introduce new products, what means again new industries and growth �, so Haystead. And Ensor supplements: � those are the topics of the future for our fair and the industry. We want to present and show the newest developments, what happens up-to-date on the market. �

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