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Bio spots - flexible ones nano-pipette stations

BioSpot - Flexible Nanopipettier Stationen
BioSpot - Flexible Nanopipettier Stationen
The BioSpot� 160 is suitable a small transportable allround pipetting station, for a multiplicity of micro-fluid applications like e.g.� Pipette, Dispensieren and pressures. By the small size, the innovative contact-free PipeJetTM printing technology and the economical price is ideally suitable for decentralized application the BioSpot�. The patented Dispensiertechnologie made possible besides the precise proportioning of difficult media like e.g. solvents, strong acids and caustic solutions, cells, Beads, color particles and high-viscous Fl�ssigkeiten.Der BioSpot� 160 orders over a precise XY table, with a Verfahrweg of 160 x 130 mm. By the integrated Z-axis and one at the PipeJet � connectable syringe pump is problem-free possible filling or pipetting from micro titer plates. By the very flexible and simply software almost unlimited application type exist. Of printing points and lines with precise volume within the nano-litre range up to complex multi color samples, which can be defined simply by a bit-map diagram are almost everything possible. For working on a larger number of substrates or for reaching a higher throughput there is the BioSpot� 350 with a Verfahrweg of 350 x 130 mm or the BioSpot� 600 with a Verfahrweg of 600 x 260 mm and comparable Funktionalit�t.Das large plus of the BioSpot� contrary to conventional laboratory automats is thereby not only the favourable price and the precise PipeJet � technology but also its small size and the carrying case provided. Thus it is steered applicable by a laptop always and everywhere.�

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HJM Buchta PMS Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH