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The purity requirement reaches the automobile and Maschinenbauindustrie

Das Reinheitsgebot erreicht die Automobil- und Maschinenbauindustrie
Das Reinheitsgebot erreicht die Automobil- und Maschinenbauindustrie
Already microscopically small particles impair the function of construction units and can whole production to the stop bring. Ever more enterprises in the motorring industry and in mechanical engineering must manufacture and install from there in clean environment. Many order over their own cleanliness laboratory, in order to check their technical cleanliness, how it plans the guideline VDA 19. The investment into an individual cleaning concept is the basic condition for many modern production process with the guideline VDA 19 and/or ISO 16232 became for the automobile industry editions to the examination� technical cleanliness imported. Partial cleanliness serves as important quality criterion, because it for those� Reliability and function of construction units are crucial. It goes around determining a possible pollution and quantifying the particles. Remainder dirt analysis of the construction units in the SauberkeitslaborUm the manufacturing process and the quality of production to control, are examined in a random sampling way the construction units. � with it controls to be temporally flexibly accomplished can have, many enterprises their own cleanliness laboratory and are equipped with the necessary Ger�tschaften, in order to determine the remainder dirt quantity �, like that Olaf Nerling, managing director of Nerling system spacewith the enterprise of a cleanliness laboratory are important it to integrate this into the manufacturing environment. � the location must be selected in such a way that the ways between the production steps and the cleanliness laboratory are short. Thus the contamination as small as possible and also the flow of material is held not disturbed �, says Nerling. For the cleanliness laboratory are necessary appropriate air-lock systems, in order to keep large � killer particles surely far �. The separation between air-locks for persons for the coworkers and material locks for the parts which can be examined is recommended. The clear steering of the flow of material is the center of attention also here. With the material locks there is the possibility door hatches, which are integrated as containers into the wall to furnish. Ever more frequently shelf air-locks are inserted. That is, the cleanliness laboratory has a small area with two doors and a shelf, which are equipped from the outside and whose contents can be inferred from the inside. Thus the protected atmosphere is disturbed by as little as possible contaminating factors. It concerns high-technical tasks, like e.g. Particle by means of electron raster microscope to determine, is outsourced this to special laboratories. If the remainder particles of the construction units are certain, it is valid to find the sources of contamination. In order to be able to obtain necessary construction unit cleanliness, the process chain in production and logistics are analyzed on arrears such as splinters, abrasive dust, remainders by preservatives, fingerprints or fibers by work clothing. From the cleaning of the construction units between the individual treatment processes up to the use of clean containers for the storage each enterprise should develop an individual cleaning concept. This concept can go so far that particularly sensitive construction units in clean areas must be installed. Partial cleanliness as warranty for the product quality ago man thief old, managing director of thief old gold ring of tools, formulates the necessity for clean areas by the example of the assembly of high-speed spindles in such a way: � if we in the ball bearing dust particle see, are not it as with a passenger car at 180 kilometers per hour into a field to drive � go not for a long time well. � already microscopically small particles can be responsible for the malfunctioning of-mechanical construction units. A drive spindle, which per minute is to create 20,000 revolutions, must be installed under high purity requirements, in order to run perfectly. But a controlled manufacturing environment so called is necessarily, guaranteed as it a clean area. Because there create special climatic and ventilation as well as material lock systems necessary Bedingungen.Die assembly and packing of these critical products as e.g. of braking and injection systems, hydraulic components or high-speed spindles from there in clean areas are accomplished so that they can be processed without internal contamination. � technical cleanliness is the quality of the product to improve and concomitantly the function and life span of the parts extend �, describes Olaf Nerling. Sorptionsentfeuchter does not only prevent RostansetzungEine unfavorable space atmosphere has influence on the assembly of construction units, also the storage in the clean area can the product quality affect. � in unfavorable weather metal parts, which were degreased, know Nerling already over night in the camp rust set �, thus. With high humidity the clean area must correspond from there to special requirements. Flight rust can already develop with a space dampness of approx. 40%. With conventional air conditioning systems the air humidity can be reduced economically only to approx. 45%. That means, another kind of dehumidifying must be selected. For this Sorptionsentfeuchter are suitable. Damp air is so for a long time led past a silicate rotor, until the used desiccator is satisfied. So can the Entfeuchter, which lowers humidity values of the spatial air on under 40%. Subsequently, the rotor comes into a regeneration chamber, in which by heat the humidity is again driven out. By the use of this modern dehumidifying method a high becomes� Process security reaches, and energy costs can do saved will-view-will view those meaning of technical cleanliness of construction units as functional and cost-relevant quality criterion in the future will continue to increase. That is, for enterprises it is important to optimize their manufacturing processes and avoid unnecessary impurities. The guideline VDA 19 gives, how the cleanliness condition of construction units is determined. With an appropriate clean space technology can be corresponded to the individual requirements of the respective enterprise. Alone the construction units do not stand in the foreground, but� also the sensitization of the coworkers for the topic cleanliness is to be considered, in order to complete the holistic concept of the clean area.

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