Suedthueringer enterprise manufactures class ISO 8 in the pure area
Südthüringer Unternehmen fertigt im Reinraum Klasse ISO 8
As an experienced, successful plastic part supplier the enterprise
hehnke from that made itself in the past 10 years particularly beyond
the national borders a name for southThuringian Steinbach resounding
mountain. Since beginning now hehnke in the technology and founder
center (TGF) in Schmalkalden under the name manufactures this yearly
cleansolutions plastic components in the pure area class ISO 8 (DIN EN
ISO 14644). Owner of cleansolutions and managing directors of the
hehnke GmbH & CO. Kg, Tommy Hehnke sees injection moulding being able
in the possibility particle and germ-free, extended chances on that
hard contested domestic market. The need of clean, particle and dust
free plastic components will in the future enormously rise and also
beside an already strongly expanding market of the medical technology."the constellation, here to the know-how of the injection moulding and
the in-house building of forms at the location Steinbach resounding
mountain to fall back to be able estimate our customers." so the
entrepreneur. Zurzeit manufactures cleansolutions articles for the
medical technology and the automobile industry, which highest surface
and cleanliness requirements must fulfill. Without controlled
controlling of the particle number in air such parts are no more
cost-hitting a corner in the demanded quality producible. Thus for
example the reject rate of an optical construction unit, under pure
space conditions manufactured, was lowered in relation to the "normal"
manufacturing with hehnke around 30%. Important partner for hehnke as
for cleansolutions is seit vielen years of the injection moulding
machine manufacturers Arburg. In Schmalkalden one manufactures on
Arburg machines with closing forces from 50 to 100 t.Additionally to this mechanical engineering of the s-row for each
machine was invested also into a multi-elevator. This handling system
fulfills fastidious tasks of withdrawal and can for inserting
processes be used if necessary. Starting from the year 2006
medicine-technical plastic articles are to be manufactured in
Schmalkalden, which to the production and packing come with
cleansolutions and an external sterilization directly with the human
body with operations and Eingriffen in contact. A
Qualitaetsmanagmentsystem cut to these requirements is here absolutely
necessary. Not least therefore the introduction of the
Qualitaetsmanagmentsystems nach DIN ISO 13485 (certifying of medicine
product manufacturers) is intended for end of 2005. Major tasks of the
yearly 2005 should be the further acquisition of customers. In the
year 2006 the two-layered extent of utilization of the manufacturing
plant is a primary goal.
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