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RABS upgrade: ideally prepared for Annex 1

AJ Vaccines invests in future-proof RABS technology from Syntegon

Vor dem Upgrade wurde die Anlage von AJ Vaccines mit einem mobilen Mock-up-Rahmen ausgestattet, um die genaue Höhe und Position der Handschuheingriffe im neuen passiven, offenen RABS zu bestimmen. / Before the upgrade, AJ Vaccines’ machine was outfitted with a mobile mock-up frame to help determine the exact height and position of the glove ports in the new passive open RABS.
Vor dem Upgrade wurde die Anlage von AJ Vaccines mit einem mobilen Mock-up-Rahmen ausgestattet, um die genaue Höhe und Position der Handschuheingriffe im neuen passiven, offenen RABS zu bestimmen. / Before the upgrade, AJ Vaccines’ machine was outfitted with a mobile mock-up frame to help determine the exact height and position of the glove ports in the new passive open RABS.
Beispiel einer mit einem RABS ausgestatteten MLF 5000 CS Vial-Füll- und Verschließmaschine. / Example of an MLF 5000 CS vial filling and closing machine equipped with RABS.
Beispiel einer mit einem RABS ausgestatteten MLF 5000 CS Vial-Füll- und Verschließmaschine. / Example of an MLF 5000 CS vial filling and closing machine equipped with RABS.
Danilo Bongiovanni, Service Projektleiter bei Syntegon, ist stolz darauf, dass das Projekt pünktlich und zur Zufriedenheit des Kunden abgeschlossen werden konnte. / Danilo Bongiovanni, service project manager at Syntegon, is proud that the project was completed in time to the customer’s satisfaction.
Danilo Bongiovanni, Service Projektleiter bei Syntegon, ist stolz darauf, dass das Projekt pünktlich und zur Zufriedenheit des Kunden abgeschlossen werden konnte. / Danilo Bongiovanni, service project manager at Syntegon, is proud that the project was completed in time to the customer’s satisfaction.

Buy a new machine or upgrade the existing equipment? In light of Annex 1, pharmaceutical manufacturers are facing this perennial question now more than ever. The Danish pharmaceutical company AJ Vaccines and its long-term partner Syntegon showed that upgrades can also yield great results. They modernized an older MLF 3002 vial filling and closing machine with a complete RABS – and made it fit for future challenges.

The revised Annex 1 “Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products” of the EU GMP guidelines is currently triggering high demand for new machines and barrier technology upgrades.(1) Pharmaceutical manufacturers must comply with the regulation and make sure they have all technologies in place for maximum product and operator protection. In the case of older machines, the question is whether to upgrade or invest in a completely new line with pre-installed barrier technology. Syntegon offers both options and analyzes customer requirements in detail to recommend the ideal solution.

Action instead of reaction

For AJ Vaccines, a pharmaceutical manufacturer with headquarters in the heart of the Danish capital Copenhagen, the choice was obvious: their MLF 3002 vial filling and closing machine from Syntegon has been running smoothly in previous years. Following a technical audit and some optimizations in the infeed and outfeed areas, the machine still had a very high life expectancy. However, AJ Vaccines was aware of the upcoming changes through Annex 1 at an early stage. So, the company took advantage of the technical audit session with the Syntegon experts to inquire about a RABS upgrade.

The experts at AJ Vaccines develop and manufacture vaccines to prevent polio, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases, as well as diagnostics and therapeutic solutions. The pharmaceutical pioneers’ mission: finding new ways of providing the whole world the same opportunities for safety and prevention through vaccination that exist in Denmark. To continuously be able to achieve this, AJ Vaccines always has an eye on new trends, developments, and regulations in the field. Consequently, AJ Vaccines did not wait until the new Annex 1 was implemented or even published. Instead, they decided to proactively prepare for all regulatory changes well in advance.

The challenges of Annex 1

According to the revised Annex 1, sterile production must take place under RABS or isolator conditions to ensure better product and operator protection. Glove ports are needed to avoid opening of the glass doors, for example to change settle plates for environmental monitoring or in the case of a manual intervention through glove ports. These requirements are subject to regulatory audits either through local authorities or through the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and had to be fulfilled by August 25, 2023 – the date of the Annex 1 implementation – to ensure validated production processes. Danilo Bongiovanni, service project manager at Syntegon, confirms the rising number of inquiries for new barrier systems or upgrades: “In Denmark alone, we have already realized four RABS upgrades and often receive requests for new machines with integrated barrier technology,” he reports.

Of course, this is not a Danish phenomenon. All over the world, drug producers and CMOs are looking for effective and cost-efficient measures to comply with Annex 1 as quickly as possible. Since new machines are a cost-intensive acquisition and require significant qualification and validation efforts, many pharmaceutical manufacturers are looking to update or upgrade their existing equipment. Prior to the project kick-off, AJ Vaccines visited other Syntegon customers in Denmark to see the results of similar upgrades and was soon convinced that Syntegon was the right partner for their project as well. The dedication of the Syntegon team during the technical audit underlined this evaluation.

Focus on user-friendly operation

The first step consisted in the mock-up phase, which is essential to determine the exact scope of the upgrade, including the type of RABS, the position of the glove ports, and further details. “For new machine projects, we would usually draw up a virtual 3D model. Existing machines, however, require up to a week at the customer’s site. Every inch of the equipment needs to be checked and documented thoroughly since older machines often only come with 2D constructional drawings,” Bongiovanni explains. A mobile mock-up frame helped determine the exact height and position of the glove ports. “The upgrade brings a number of changes for the operating staff. We used the chance to make their work with the new system as ergonomic and user-friendly as possible by testing the work steps beforehand with a selected group of operators to find the ideal average position.”

Following the mock-up phase, AJ Vaccines decided to implement a passive open RABS. The team then established a project plan and defined milestones. During the subsequent design phase, the Syntegon engineers developed a comprehensive 3D model, which was challenged and discussed in several design review meetings to adapt it precisely to all customer requirements. Apart from the new RABS, the design further included the exchange of the former rotary valve piston pump with RTU filling paths and the connection to a third-party pump trolley. Again, the project team paid special attention to user-friendliness by optimizing the processes to transfer equipment into the machine.

Annex 1-ready well in advance

In August 2022, the installation was successfully completed. Syntegon provided the comprehensive documentation, while AJ Vaccines revalidated its MLF line. In October, the Syntegon experts were on site again to accompany the first batch and check whether the machine was running according to plan. “The entire project was completed on time, despite some issues with supply chain bottlenecks,” Danilo Bongiovanni recalls. “AJ Vaccines even manufactured some sheet metal parts themselves for the project to remain on schedule. This was one of my highlights of this project: the joint commitment of Syntegon and AJ Vaccines, excellent communication, and very clearly defined requirements and milestones.”

AJ Vaccines is among the first customers Syntegon supported in getting “Annex 1-ready”. Syntegon is already working on many more projects to prepare further pharmaceutical manufacturers for the challenges of Annex 1 with high flexibility, a dedicated project team, and profound technological expertise – in Denmark and all over the world. Apart from new machines, the numerous RABS upgrades offer customers an extensive choice of options, including peripheral topics such as viable monitoring, new stopper infeed solutions, or glove integrity testing devices.

(1) EudraLex: The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union Volume 4 EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use - Annex 1 Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products (2022),

Syntegon Technology GmbH
Blaufelder Straße 45
74654 Crailsheim
Phone: +49 7951 4020


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