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Case studies show: Viledon� Compact bag filter save energy and costs

Fallstudien zeigen: Viledon® Compact Taschenfilter sparen Energie und Kosten
Fallstudien zeigen: Viledon® Compact Taschenfilter sparen Energie und Kosten
Rising energy prices and the necessity to reduce CO2-Emissionen moved the use of air cleaners into the center of the interest. For good reason: In an average industrial plant the exhausts of spatial air-technical plants use approximately 10 per cent of the entire energy. Between 10 and 50 per cent of it are to be attributed to pressure losses of the filters. Here joy mountain filtration Technologies offers efficient solutions. With its Viledon� filters the enterprise minimizes pressure losses in air cleaner systems and helps customers in different industries to save energy as well as to lower costs and CO2-Emissionen, as the three following case examples show. Thermal bath reduces Energieverbrauch24,4 per cent of less energy uses a Austrian thermal bath, after a filter stage with 25 Viledon� Compact bag filters T 60 was inserted. Basis for the change from the old to the new system was a two-phase test, which was put on on six months. During the entire investigation period with a frequency static frequency changer equipped the plant ran evenly, i.e. with constant operating parameters. In the first phase conventional synthetic filters came to the employment, into the second Viledon� Compact bag filter T 60. The power consumption of the exhaust engine over the building often commodity and the assistance of an energy measuring instrument was determined. The data of both measuring instruments showed an energy conservation, under the smaller pressure loss of the Viledon� filter unit pharmaceutical companies with new FiltertechnikEine changed filter conception were the reason, why a Austrian pharmaceutical company could use its Einsparpotenziale. Had preceded a test row in a supply air system with 19.200 m3/h for the processing of fresh air. Here two filter configurations in one period were compared with one another by two months: first two filter stages with in each case six glass fiber bag filters, thereafter two filter stages with Viledon� Compact bag filters F 50 as well as T 90. Like also in the case of the thermal bath described above a building management software as well as energy measuring instruments determined the energy consumption of the exhaust engine. On the end savings could be based also in this case. The new filter combination F 50/T 90 reduced the energy employment by 9,2 per cent in the comparison to past Anlage.Eine the filter stage instead of two in the K�hllagerIn a comparison tested an English distribution enterprise two different filter configurations. These were installed into one recirculated air system each with 93.600 m3/h air in a cold storage facility for sweet goods. Both plants were equipped, separately adjustable with frequency static frequency changers and ran during the period from one month evenly on maximum flow rate. The existing two-stage filter configuration from G4 prescreener panel and F5 bag filters with a new single-step configuration from Viledon� F 50 bag filters were compared concretely. The data were noted thereby by means of the building management software and a e-tracker energy measuring instrument. In the final result the Viledon� filter system showed up as the better model. It obtained an energy conservation of 14,5 per cent in relation to the variant used before. At the same time the new system makes the same service life possible as so far, which is to due to the progressive structure of medium. In all three case examples mentioned clear savings were reached, which can be repeated each year without additional investments. Picture: Exemplary installation of the energy measuring instrument

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