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SwissOptic AG invests clean-room technology GmbH into new pure areas of the BMF

SwissOptic AG investiert in neue Reinräume der BMF Reinraumtechnik GmbH
SwissOptic AG investiert in neue Reinräume der BMF Reinraumtechnik GmbH
The SwissOptic AG in Heerbrugg, Switzerland, develops and manufactures a large range of coated precision-optical components, building groups and systems. One of the core competencies of the enterprise is that brought together from components, building groups and modules to efficient systems. Due to a steady growth and a positive development of the enterprise the investment became inevitable in pure areas and the procurement of specializedspecific mechanisms the Sicherstellung of necessary quality standards. In order to become fair and a future development concern carry the customized requirements, in the existing premises of the SwissOptic AG modular pure areas with air-locks and adjacent grey ranges of the BMF clean-room technology GmbH were installed. By the wide filtration of the pure space cabs with Flowhoods the reaching of the demanded pure classes of area ISO 6 could be guaranteed and ISO 7 according to ISO 14644-1. A large part of the assigned filters fan unit additionally to the HEPA main filters provided with userally-specific laid out, chemical prescreeners over together with Sicherstellung with low turbulences to ensure laminar current in the pure areas that unwanted coal materials are sufficiently filtered.� Also during the mechanism of the again created pure areas the BMF proved clean-room technology GmbH as a reliable supplier of customized solutions. Thus by the SwissOptic AG beside various nitrogen-flooded camp cabinets from high-grade steel and aluminum transportation equipments, tables and shelf systems also need-oriented were purchased. Material door hatches made of high-grade steel secure the flow of material between the areas, air-locks for persons with mutually electromagnetically locked doors provide for controlled entrances to the pure areas and prevent consistently the contamination of the pure space atmospheres. The mechanism of the air-locks with shoe change banks, flooded clothes cabinets, Vorratsschr�nken as well as further furnishings provides for a harmonious, qualitatively high-quality overall view.�

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Further information

BMF Reinraumtechnik GmbH
72766 Reutlingen


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C-Tec MT-Messtechnik Kretz + Wahl Becker