Seminar week in the European park
Inspection device management and calibration training in the European
park in this year the seminar week of the Testo took place industrial
services GmbH for the first time in the European park at Freiburg.
Effective learning is connected here with motivating maintenance.
During the day will the seminar participant of knowledge approximately
around the topic inspection device management and
Ka-librierung vermittelt and to stand for fun and pleasure in the
evening in the foreground. On the first day of this seminar week an
overview of the today relevant standards and guidelines and their
conversion are obtained. In addition the seminar participants receive
Tipps and guidance to an effective inspection device management. In
the following days the practical execution of calibrations stands in
the center. The measured variables dampness, temperature, pressure and
current are treated in detail in each case one day. Each seminar day
is a meeting locked in itself.Thus individual days can be selected and combined freely by the
participant. After seminar end the participants have each evening of
16:00 - 18:30 o'clock free of charge the possibility of Germany
largest recreational park to visit and enjoy. Different topic evenings
offer an exciting evening program. With the alemannischen knight meal
for example the participants a 6-Gaenge-Menue enjoy served from farm
servants and farmhands. For maintenance play people and Gaukler
provide. After lehr and experience-rich day one does to the atmosphere
no abort. Even the overnight accomodation in the style-genuine room
means a further experience. This seminar week takes place also 2006
from 10.07. to 14.07. again in the European park. Information to this
and further seminars under www.testo industrial