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Heating, climatic and ventilation � the main stream consumers with production under pure conditions

The Pharmaproduktion and above all its additional processes is coined/shaped of high power requirement. Intelligent technologies and services are the keys to the optimization of the energy efficiency in production. Innovative and consumption-poorer products, solutions and procedures are the way from the case of cost energy beside the substantial saving of energy costs, belong it today to the self understanding of the enterprises as environmentalfair a solutions as possible to install. That mix the assigned different fossil and renewable sources of energy contributes to independence and to the supply security of the enterprise. Total conceptions, both the supply of various sources of energy as well as the optimal organization of the main and additional processes such as air and air condition technology, heating and cooling, promotion processes, pumps, compression, drives, controls and sensor engineering and the service belonging to it� like e.g. Contracting � connects, is topic of the meeting � energy efficiency in pharmaceutical industry �. Straight one in the pharmaceutical industry has each enterprise different requirements to the supply of energy. Specialized one, individual solutions for your needs must be developed. The most diverse components of the Energieportfolios too employment particularly come in the range Contracting schlummern enormous potentials depending upon need. According to data of the trend and market research institute trendresearch here the size of the market without transformation of energy amounts to already today more than 630 millions � and in Germany until 2010 about 2.5 billion � per year will have reached. More independence and more supply security promises a high performance high temperature gas cell, how it is today already used in the production process. These topics are taken up in the congress � energy efficiency in pharmaceutical industry � to 10.06.2009 in Stuttgart, airport hotel. Under the slogan � news & Network� - the special seminar concept � topics are " like e.g. � Contracting � energy optimization and reduction of costs �, � energy optimization in critical site conditions - balancing act between product quality, security and efficiency �, � simulation-supported energy efficiency analysis in pharmaceutical industry �, � energy management � energy conservation �, or; Gas cell plant Hotmodule: Highest efficiency and cleanliness with lasting Grundlastversorgung" of considerable experts presented. Apart from the lectures of experts a panel discussion supplements exchange of experience. A Lunchdiskussion, with which experts deal in small topic rounds, in relaxed atmosphere with your questions, serves the structure and the care of network under the slogan apart from the information above all � news & Network � meet here technical manager, planner, buyer and energy cost responsible person from pharmaceutical companies, in order to bring itself in things � saving potentials in energy � on the most current conditions. The lecture topics serve as basis for following discussions, in which the respective topic can be deepened. Different forms of rounds of talks whether panel discussion, Lunchdiskussion or fire-place discussions to ended, offer the meeting expert and also new A RISERs equally an ideal platform.

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Further information

ESN - European Synergies Network
69214 Eppelheim


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