CleanRooms: Europas führende Konferenz und Messe für Reinraumtechnologie
CleanRooms Europe, the prominent conference and fair for pure space Design & - mechanism, contaminating control technology, hospital hygiene and infection control of the region publish the provisional conference program and become of 24. up to 26. March 2009 on the new fair Stuttgart take place. The CleanRooms Europe meeting 2008 fallow record attendances with more than 2,600 participants from 62 countries � a dramatic rise around 44% in the comparison to the last meeting in Germany and a record in their 10-year old history � on the fairground was over 120 exhibitors represented and at the high-carat conference was present over 40 branchleading advisers. The meeting of this year will offer still higher numbers of visitors and a still better conference program. CleanRooms Europe conference the conference program of the CleanRooms Europe 2009 is concerned with expressed the important and topic up-to-date: Improvement of the productivity and lowering of the life cycle costs. The productivity is the most important importance for all manufacturers and suppliers � all the same whether their product somewhat concrete as for example a medicine or a semiconductor is, or somewhat immeasurable, as the confidence is on the fact that the OI or the treatment room of its hospital is free from sources of infection, which are not due to patients. The conference program treats the question like this concept on different user industries, including progressive semiconductor production, the bio/pharmaceutical production, the hospital hygiene and infection control, the solar technology and the Photovoltaik as well as the nanotechnology and different one applies. �With industrialprominent advisers and moderators from all of Europe and beyond that, the singular bilingual conference program (with simultaneous interpreting English � German/German � English) prepares the CleanRooms Europe contaminating/infection control and pure space manufacture specialists with the necessary newest developments and the most current specialized knowledge of the industry, in order to ensure their operational and business success. The conference covers a complete program with training further and informative presentations, which contain among other things the following branchrelevant topics: 1 � solar/Photovoltaik manufacturing facilities & - process-loud some analysts is assumed the Photovoltaikmarkt grows annually in the next years by 30%. This growth leads to a rising demand for thin film materials. While the solar manufacturers set their production in motion, the semiconductor manufacturers lick themselves the fingers after this market potential. Does it however actually concern simple transition? And if that is the case, the processes of these two industries pursue the same path? IBM, Intel and HP are only three enterprises, which examine, whether their quality and contaminating control process withstand the challenges of the Photovoltaik, in those the productivity and the life cycle costs of the devices right at the top on the requirement list at the devices and plants stehen.2 � hospital hygiene & InfektionskontrolleDer building in the health service � nursing homes, Reha mechanisms, patient houses, medical practices, etc. � ranks among the growth-strongest institutional building categories. � At the same time that turns attention of the health monitoring and supervisory bodies world-wide increasingly on Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI), so-called hospital infections, as for example MRSA, vancomycinresistenten Enterokokken and Clostridium difficile and within this range much research is operated. Although improved general hygiene represents the first line of defense, are just as important improved monitoring, containment and isolation, air flow and filter systems as well as new disinfectants and Antimikrobiotika. This range of topics is concerned with these interests and treated the challenges, those health service mechanisms to see themselves posed and which new infection control practices are used, - standards and � technologies, in order this gentleman become. 3 - Life science manufacturing facilities & - process-new vaccines, an exponentially growing number of new Biopharmaprodukte and new hybrid medical apparatuses place the designers of life science manufacturing facilities and � to processes before unusual Herauforderungen with contaminating control, in order to guarantee that product security is ensured and � integrity. In combination with the intensified use of high-poisonous and volatile substances this leads to an appropriate requirement for improved and redundant safety systems and well equipped and trained workers, which are in the best way familiar minutes with the contaminating control practices and �. At the same time however the market printing creates always higher requirements to the manufacturers to reduce the advance and operating cost on broad basis. This range of topics is concerned with some new solutions and technologies, which are to the industry now at the disposal, around these and future challenges fairly semiconductor/microelectronics manufacturing facilities progressive to werden.4 � & - process that analyst enterprises iSuppli identified a world-wide new counterbalancing of the electronics manufacture industry altogether, which is due from a shift of the guidance beginnings away of the concentration on labor costs to the property costs of the entire plant, whereby guidance resources, organisational structures, manufacture authority, intellectual properties are considered and to logistics. This beginning fits exactly to the main topic of the CleanRooms of this year Europe of conference program: � improvement of the productivity and lowering of the life cycle costs �. With 12% and almost a third of the world production of achievement devices European manufacturers are very probably conscious of the manufacture capacities for integrated monoliths itself these requirements. This range of topics offers immediately convertible ideas and examples, like these goals in the reality of the semiconductor manufacture surrounding field to be reached to k�nnen.5 � contaminating/infection control standards & Supervision-official T�tigkeitenDie developer by national and international contaminating control and GMP standards is to be held always around it anxious with the changed practices and the industries step, whole apart from the consideration of the observance adherence to the enormous amount by industries concerned. The IEST published a new leader, that brings the recommended practices for the pure space Design up to date. The VDI and the ICCCS work on some new initiatives in contaminating control and the conversion of GMP standards and the ISPE co-operate with the supervisory authorities in the United States, Europe and in the Asia Pacific area, in order to support the conversion of the guidelines � internationally of the Conference on Harmonisation OF Technical requirement for Registration OF Pharmaceuticals for humanly Use �. This range of topics presents the most current information and continuous activities of this important range, just as guidances, as the adherence to and conversion the guidelines can be ensured, while the level of production highly and the costs are kept low. 6 � nanotechnology, challenges of the commercialization to the conventional contaminate controlscience certainly must be increased the quality and contaminating controls in conformity with other technical disciplines, in order to transform the nano-technology research activities successfully into practicable and long-term production technologies. Progress in the science on the nano-technological basis provokes the contaminating control technology in completely new kind, which will then benefit however widerum many industries. These industries turn increased atomisch precise production processes on nano-technological basis on � semiconductors, solar/Photovoltaik and life sciences, in order to call only some. Co-operation between different industries, the industry and the science and supervision of government and standard authorities are without a doubt necessary, in order to bring products on nano-technological basis successfully on the market. And such a co-operation will represent naturally an important element in the future of all markets, which are served by the contaminating control technology. This range of topics is concerned with some these important co-operation, their achievements, goals, challenges and the effects on the contaminating control science.
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