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Lacquer-troublefree armatures and shaped parts of Akatherm FIP: For highest requirements in the piping construction

Lackstörungsfreie Armaturen und Formteile von Akatherm FIP: Für höchste Anforderungen im Rohrleitungsbau
Lackstörungsfreie Armaturen und Formteile von Akatherm FIP: Für höchste Anforderungen im Rohrleitungsbau
Special requirements require special solutions. Example air pollution control. The TA air makes the requirements concrete, which are to be considered during the permission of industrial and commercial plants from the responsible execution authorities to. The TA air is practical a pure regulation for air pollution control, a manual for environmental protection practiced. It specifies among other things appropriate emission values for all relevant air pollutants. That led for example in the automobile industry to the development of water-soluble colors and lacquers. So high emission support values can be achieved. With effects on the equipment construction. Because to the production, to transport or for the subsequent treatment of water-soluble colors and lacquers only piping components may be used, which are free from lacquer-wetting-free substances such as Silikone, certain fats, oils and waxes. Like that the optimal quality of the lacquer finish is ensured. The Akatherm FIP GmbH (Mannheim) has special, lacquer-troublefree cleaned armatures and shaped parts (according to standard to D 160 mm) for such and other plants in many applications for lacquer-troublefree equipment component under pure space conditions in the work in Mannheim components from the materials PVC-U, PVC-C, PP, PE, ABS and PDVF � if necessary also metallic materials � for the later targeted application is prepared. This is not limited only to Lackieranlagen. Further uses of lacquer-troublefree equipment components are in the production of life or drugs. There lacquer-wetting-disturbing substances would impair the quality of the materials which can be transported effectively. Modular developed ReinigungsanlageDie lacquer-troublefree plant of the Akatherm FIP GmbH is modular developed. Like that individual solutions are possible and can be reacted flexibly to most different applications. With the silicone outdoor installation acts around a two-stage system, which is divided in cleaning equipment and pure area. In the cleaning equipment (Oszilliationseinrichtung) the dismantled components during a three speed process in electro-chemically polished high-grade steel baskets become gereinigt.1. Step: Cleaning with Ultraschall2. Step: Cleaning with Stadtwasser3. Step: The cleaned products a circulating air machine for drying go through and arrive concluding cleaning with demineralized water following over the pure space air-lock when � laminar flow assembly pure assembling � to the grade 100. Here the products are again assembled, submitted of a compression test and packed afterwards with a Folienschwei�anlage hermetically. Armatures are doubly welded, shaped parts simply. The quality the lacquer-troublefree products is confirmed by a document. Werksbescheinigungen, work certifications and certificates of acceptance test according to DIN EN 10204 are if necessary issued. Picture: Armatures or shaped parts are cleaned in electro-chemically polished high-grade steel baskets during a three speed process.

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