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Elis Cleanroom expands to open second laundry in the UK

Cleanroom industry leader Elis Cleanroom are happy to announce expansion plans to open a new laundry facility in Knutsford, Cheshire, near Manchester. This is in addition to their current UK operations based in Newbury, Berkshire and makes them the only cleanroom laundry provider in the UK to offer the contingency of two plants.

The need for a second site has been accelerated by an increase in cleanroom activity and requests for processing options in the Midlands, North of England, and Scotland.

The Knutsford site will have both ISO 4 and ISO 7cleanrooms, and all processing will be fully compliant with Annex 1 section 7.17. There will be a full gamut of propositions available such as textile garments for all types of cleanroom production areas, reusable cleanroom cleaning systems (mops & wipes), cleanroom tacky mats, cleanroom shoes/clogs, cleanroom socks, cleanroom goggles, and all available to be sterilised with in-house autoclave when required, or for those who prefer, external gamma irradiation.

Initially, the facility will provide 40 jobs for the area, and this is expected to increase over time. Production will start in Q1 2024. The addition of this new site to the 30 cleanroom laundries within the 17 countries Elis cleanroom operates in, will strengthened our position as the leading contamination control partner.

Weitere Informationen

Elis_cleanroom_logo j.peg
decontam GmbH / Elis Cleanroom
Hofmannstraße 13-19
91438 Bad Windsheim
Telefon: +49 9841 40140850
eMail: cleanroom.de@elis.com
Internet: https://de.elis.com/de

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