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Becker Kretz + Wahl Vaisala MT-Messtechnik

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Less warmth, more light!

Weniger Wärme, mehr Licht!
Weniger Wärme, mehr Licht!
It is a physical law that the light in the square of the distance decreases. That means that job lit from the cover is an uneconomic affair. It is more rational to go with the light more near to the job. So far that meant that changes must happen on the cover. With many discussions Mr. Ulrich von Hagen, front spar planning consulting trade pushed on resistance, because of the extensive installations in the covers. Front spar develops therefore clean-spacefair racks, which can be pushed simply � standing on the ground � under the cover. To these racks lighting, sill plates and implements are installed and the job directly with fewer Watts (= less warmth) is lit up.�

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HJM Systec & Solutions GmbH PMS Buchta