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CleanRooms Europe bekommt Unterstützung vom Internationalen Verband ICCCS
CleanRooms Europe bekommt Unterstützung vom Internationalen Verband ICCCS

The International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS), the umbrella organisation of the world’s contamination control association, is endorsing CleanRooms Europe conference and exhibition, 24-26 March 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany.

CleanRooms Europe is the region’s premier conference and exhibition for cleanroom design & construction, contamination control technology and hospital hygiene / infection control, and has built a reputation on delivering quality conference content for the exchange of ideas and knowledge that help to shape the future strategies of business and organisations.

The ICCCS is non-profit organisation and the global organisation for contamination control, designed to coordinate international exchange of contamination control knowledge and promote international contamination control standardization. A major initiative of the ICCCS is the International Cleanroom Education Board, ICEB to coordinate and promote harmonisation of education and training in contamination control.

Conor Murray, outgoing Chairman of the ICCCS and current Chairman of the ICEB, and Dr. Horst Weißsieker, incoming Chairman of the VDI Contamination Control Guidelines, said “The International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies is delighted with the collaboration of its associations and pleased to support CleanRooms Europe 2009 in Stuttgart. The event is designed to help promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge, encourage harmonisation as well as influence the standards set within the industry. This sits very well with the objectives and strategies of the ICCCS and we are delighted to play an active role in such an event.”
Germany’s ICCCS member, VDI Commission for Cleanroom Technology (VDICCT), will play host to CleanRooms Europe from 24-26 March 2009, which will also see other ICCCS events held in conjunction with CleanRooms Europe in Stuttgart.

John Haystead, Event Director of CleanRooms Europe, said, “CleanRooms Europe has established itself as the premier conference and exhibition for contamination control. We are delighted with the endorsement and support of the ICCCS, which will play an important role in enhancing the conference programme and ensuring it is relevant to today’s contamination control professional.”
The CleanRooms Europe 2009 conference programme will be structured around the highly relevant and timely theme: Improving Productivity and Lowering Lifecycle Costs. Productivity is the number one issue for all manufacturers and service providers – whether the product is something tangible like a drug or semiconductor, or something immeasurable like the confidence that comes from knowing your hospital operating or treatment room is free of non-patient derived infection sources.

The 2009 CleanRooms Europe conference programme will look at how this concept applies to a host of user industries including advanced semiconductor manufacturing, bio/pharmaceutical production, hospital hygiene and infection control, solar panels and photovoltaics, nanotechnology and others.

Featuring industry leading speakers and presenters from across Europe and beyond, this unique bilingual (simultaneous English/German, German/English translation) conference programme will arm contamination/infection control and clean manufacturing professionals with the latest industry developments and knowledge they need to ensure and advance their operational and business success.

Delegates registering for the conference before 6th February 2009 will receive and Early Bird Discount rate that could save more than 15% on delegate fees. For details and to register online visit

The CleanRooms Europe 2009 exhibition is a unique, wide-ranging showcase for the world’s leading contamination control technology developers and manufacturers to reach decision makers from Europe’s exponentially growing contamination/infection control and clean manufacturing marketplace. No other European or international cleanroom, hygiene and contamination/infection control event can match the size and quality of the CleanRooms Europe audience.
For the full conference programme, details of conference speakers and further information on the CleanRooms Europe exhibition and conference visit


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