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PTS - Brochures: Donations instead of buy

PTS - Broschüren: Spenden statt kaufen
PTS - Broschüren: Spenden statt kaufen
These brochures are a Kundenservice of PTS training service and in the context of selected trainings to the participants are handed out. They cannot acquire this brochure available. If you want to use the brochures in the context of your training conception, a donation can be transferred in favor of a current education project in place of a purchase price. These projects we support for many years and insure that your donation is well put on. If you more about it to know would like: � in the 5th edition the brochure with 40 sides contains cross word mysteries and an index. In the fifth edition are the innovations of the far mA right in Germany (e.g. AMWHV), which and the consideration of the GMP regulations for active substances already considers progress control. The authors Reinhard Schnettler and Dr. Christine Oechslein have this desire: The readers likes compact GMP an assistance in daily practice to be. From Wolfgang equalfar, Fresenius Kabi Austria GmbH in Graz, we received this positive resonance: As a fixed component of our coworker qualification briefcase it creates compactGMP the brochure the new coworkers in our enterprise easily understandable contents and in a very compact form the world of good manufacture practice more near to also bring. �Hyperpharm, 2nd AuflageHyperpharm: Abbreviations into German and English OOS: A river or a term from pharmacy? Many experts in chamfering mA and medicine product sector use them familiar abbreviations into German or English. The abbreviations are only with difficulty understandable for interested nonspecialists. By the example OOS this is to be clarified: OOS means Out OF Specification. Thus values are meant outside of the specification, which point to errors in the laboratory or during the process. The Oos flows through the cure city Baden-Baden of the PTS meetings knows we the desire to receive a listing with English and German abbreviations as well as their explanations. This caused us to the collection of abbreviations and their explanations, so that terms for all interested one are clearly understandable. With this brochure you a detailed collection from the product ranges drugs, active substances, auxiliary materials and medicine products is present. The first edition had an extent from over 50 sides. This second edition has now 80 sides. From this the dynamics in this area are to be recognized. These authors wish you the useful application of this brochure in practice: Reinhard Schnettler, Cornelia Wawretschek, Dr. Michael SchmidtGMP I belongs to - in German and English language this brochure is a well understandable introduction to the correct behavior in good manufacture practice (GMP) for new coworkers and coworkers of outside firms. Note: This brochure is unfortunately at present no longer available! The new edition is in work!!�

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Further information

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PTS Training Service
Wir sind die Experten für Schulungen in den Bereichen Pharma, Medizinprodukte und Wirkstoffe.
Am Freigericht 8
59759 Arnsberg
Phone: +49 2932 51477
Fax: +49 2932 51674


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