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Application cluster Nanotechnolgie

The nanotechnology ranks 21 among the key technologies. Century. The possibility of creating new material properties by the purposeful organization within the nanometer range offers a large potential for various product innovations for almost all industries. After a current IHK inquiry small and middle enterprises have a very high cooperative need in the different nano-technology fields, in particular if it concerns concrete applications. In order to facilitate the transfer of scientific nano-technology research into industrial application, the IHKs initiated region Stuttgart, Heilbronn franc, north Black Forest, Ostw�rttemberg and Reutlingen an application cluster nanotechnology. The management was assigned at Fraunhofer IAO. A goal of the application cluster is it to improve the nano-technology authority to the Metropolregion Stuttgart the networking of technology offerers and - users to promote as well as innovations together advance and into marketable products convert. The opening meeting to the application cluster nanotechnology is to make the Potenziale of the nanotechnology transparency and to present offers of the application cluster nanotechnology. In his introduction lecture Professor Dr. gives - engineer Dieter Spath, director/conductor Fraunhofer of the IAO, an overview of the perspectives of the technology; Dr. Wolfgang Luther, VDI Nanoexperte, describes the economic Potenziale. Beyond that different sample applications are presented and existing nano-initiatives are introduced. Programmab 09:00 clock - registration, Kaffee09: 30 o'clock - greetings - Andreas's judge, managing director, IHK region Stuttgart09: 40 o'clock - innovations by nanotechnology for the Metropolregion Stuttgart - start of the application cluster nanotechnology, Professor Dieter Spath, institute leader Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart10: 30 o'clock - economic Potenziale of the nanotechnology, Dr. Wolfgang Luther, VDI technology center, D�sseldorf11: 15 o'clock - coffee and Kommunikationspause11: 45 o'clock - application I: Nanotechnology in the metal treatment by the example corrosion protection, Michael franc, handle AG & CO. KGaA, D�sseldorf12: 15 o'clock - application II: Nanotechnology in the surface technique by the example Badewannenlifter, Dr. - engineer Christof H�bner, institute for Fraunhofer for chemical technology (ICT), Pfinztal12: 45 o'clock - nano-initiatives: Use for the users, Ronald Beiersdorff, scene NANO, Beiersdorff GmbH, M�nchen13: 10 o'clock - cluster need in individual nano-'s application fields: Results of a firm questioning, Manfred Mueller, IHK region Stuttgart13: 20 o'clock - discussion and conclusion, Manfred Mueller, IHK region Stuttgart/Daniel hay brook, Fraunhofer IAOab 13:30 clock - StehempfangDie free meeting region Stuttgart takes place in the house of the IHK. Registrations are possible by 16 January 2009.Weitere information keep you Dre with Saskia, fon� 0711/2005 416 or saskia.drescher@ formations for meeting find you in our meeting data base.

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