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Examine with darkly adapted eye

The automobile day ago into Stuttgart.Das eye and the associated Sehsystem, from no technology equally required achievement and adaptability have excerpts from a lecture. Exemplarily we know two conditions of the eye from own experiencing: Brightly adapts - adaptiertIm connection with quality control I would like to represent darkness, it is to be found which of the conditions mentioned and which condition represents an optimization of the error identification, in the sense of the ergonomics. The problem of the surface inspection became fast clear after investigation of many inspection work places. It develops through: Cross fade by much light, partly by the customers prescribed - luminous intensity from 2.000 to 5. were measured. 000 lux - from the most different directions, in addition resounding lighting, sunshine of rooflights and a multiplicity of notes, whose reflection in strong measure irritates the eye. An innate assessment is in the play, which instructs intuitively: � exhibition there where the brightest point is �. That has provided for surviving our preancestors, meant however today that this innate assessment gives the instruction to the eyes: � exhibition there, where the brightest point is! �, the understanding the eye the instruction gives however at the same time: � exhibition on the part and finds the errors! � the consequences for the coworkers are early fatigue, headache and eye suffering. An unsolvable task for our Sehsystem and also for Kameras.Die situation of the coworkers in the inspection-brightly adapted eye. A woman employee or a coworker, who is endeavored/at the cross fade suffering, to see the errors however is only conditionally possible for what, then however the layer terminated with the thought: � which I have today surveyed? � discontent and motivation lacking are the results to the undeserved disadvantage for the work. The errors are to be seen only conditioned, since the eye in the condition of the cross fade and irritation can see only bad. See with fewer lights more. - Darkly adapted AugeDie philosophy consists of the fact that the coworkers with a darkly adapted eye can examine better. Media LichtWir speak from there of the LIGHT as a crucial medium in control of surfaces. Light is a tool and the ray of light the finest tool. Optimal one, i.e. Lighting with arranged, indirect light is a worthwhile investment. To whom does one already expect to carry good work out with unsuitable tools? In the reality this is far common. Suffering he avoidance of FremdlichtUm the optimization to reach to be able, must be kept far the foreign light by the actual inspection station. In rolling mills this is done via a living because of noise and incompatible climate. With single jobs canopy-similar bulkheadings are used against the foreign light. That is plausible, since one sees with fewer lights more, cannot one foreign light with one repeated ones of planned luminous intensity not permit. Increase Rentabilit�tDabei can affect the give up-fair medium light after our experiences the profitability of an enterprise crucially. Under suitable lighting the wrong cannot know selected and at the same time genuine errors to be recognized from uncertainty. Automatic controllers and controller make the Dimmen possible of the lamps. Reaction and acting in fractions seconds for the forwarding of a signal we have a rapid-transit railway so called, which brings the signal in fractions of seconds into a range in the Sehsystem, which causes immediate acting. Our preancestors owed to this fact a surviving and we some inconvenience one by avoided accidents. Stored one is picture-supported error recognition by the fact that the brain can store ten thousands of pictures. Hence it follows that the woman employee sees possibly only one part of the error, which completes brain the pattern indicating defects however immediately. The supplementing components belonging to the prescription the use of the shining means HRI T or HRI-TS. Those are gas-discharge lamps filled with noble gases, among other things halogen, and we control the technology to dimmen this. We extend the life span of the shining means by the factor two. Dimmen = rules this means will be needed, thus the light by the coworkers be optimized can in brighter or more darkly, in four stages. This is necessary, since the woman employees and coworker develop a different biological light need e.g. while driving to the work and in the process of the layer. The possibility the light to model increases the acceptance and thus error recognition. And as well known humans are differently assessed. Relaxation of the SehapparatsIn co-operation with opticians we developed a system, which consists of a surface in the color ral 9005, which is occupied with four selected colors. If the eye is directed toward this colour combination, then the eye becomes and the Sehapparat in seconds relaxed and the eye is again more efficient. One avoids thereby a watering of the eyes with laminating and a handicap to be able or watch television to read e.g. after laminating the newspaper, how we hear again and again. �

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