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Daten-Management by migration

Daten-Management per Migration
Daten-Management per Migration
Lying close and process data are � a Asset �, a valuable property in the enterprise. That is valid also for example for water treatment plants, in particular if these are with fan mA or biotechnology enterprises part of the validation process. The problem: The life cycle of each planning software is limited. In addition it comes as fact that only modern CAD/CAE systems correspond to the today's state of the art and the requirements of the economy. They are more economical and more efficient than the old systems. A migration on modern systems is thus inevitable. However the question remains, how can be migrated the not visible capital. A practical example: The operator wants 1000 P& ID of a Unix CAD system into the engineering solution CADISON integrate. The approach: (1)�� �Adjustment of the necessary Merge regulations and - mechanisms (2)�� �Conversion of initial of 250 P& ID (3)�� �The remainder was converted gradually by the customer. How does economy look? A new design requires per P& ID 3 days time. The migration to CADISON requires per P& ID 5 min plus a remachining of 1 h. In described project saved the customer 95% of the conventionally necessary expenditure. In absolute numbers is a saving of 1 million euros! ________Bild: Planning of an electrical ozone installation with the plant planning solution CADISON (source: ITandFactory GmbH, bath Soden).�

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