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Personal and engineering resources with CADISON more efficiently use

Personal- und Engineering-Ressourcen mit CADISON effizienter nutzen
Personal- und Engineering-Ressourcen mit CADISON effizienter nutzen
After ITandFactory could show high growth rates in the past months in the German-language countries, the partners of the enterprise have � the Neilsoft Ltd. and the tri plan AG � the guidance assured by ITandFactory their support with the development of the international business. In particular ITF for it knows the considerable R& D-capacities of Neilsoft use, were on the 2nd CADISON internationally Conference (CIC 2008) in September to be heard: � this resources offer the possibility to us of adapting CADISON very fast to the need of customers in different industries and for international requirements �, so ITF managing director George Kremer. Ketan Bakshi, which stressed owners of Neilsoft: � in particular such customers will appreciate that, who are global active. � important is it from view of Bakshi also to develop by use and integration of 3rd-party-L�sungen the user use further. Not least it concerns thereby branchspecific features and libraries. The strategic partners of ITandFactory will attentively have registered this statement on the CIC in meals. Autodesk, Versant, B.I.M. - Consulting, CADENAS etc. were represented and showed their respective innovations as well as the integration of their products in CADISON. Bakshi shows up contently with the past achievement of its teams: � the developers of ITandFactory and Neilsoft together-found fast. First results are already contained, for example in new release R8.5 of CADISON the extended Engineer2Web-Modul and the Visio based P& ID module. � George Kremer: � our philosophy during the software development always was � from engineers, for engineers �. That is also our maxim with the development of new release CADISON 8,5, in order to create our users additional advantages. Already today CADISON offers a turn-around time shorter around 30% during processing a project � shows practice again and again at customers. Through the integration of all planning phases realized with CADISON the user saves time and costs. � Hans Ekdahl, director with Neilsoft and managing director of ITandFactory, sees CADISON also on good way to � World class plans engineering Solution �. As short-term objective and for further focusing on the customers he announced in meals that ITF its Consultants Dienstleistungsangebot will develop for the support of users after the installation of CADISON. This CADISON plans designer Group (CPDG) due to concrete customer inquiries was developed and supports the user in its work on the project. With the CPDG specialists it concerns technicians and technical designers, who have all a very good and long practical experience with CADISON. The resonance on this new offer is very positive. George Kremer: � common with ITF Consultants could master several customers also larger challenges. � _________Bild: � already today CADISON offers a turn-around time shorter around 30% during processing a project � shows practice again and again at customers. Through the integration of all planning phases realized with CADISON the user saves time and costs. � (George Kremer, managing director, ITandFactory GmbH, bath Soden)�

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