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Quality and safety with a high recyclate content

Green Layer IBC and PE drums by Schütz

Die IBC und Kunststofffässer der Green-Layer-Serie von Schütz eignen sich hervorragend als ökologische Verpackungen für zahlreiche Anwendungen. Kunden profitieren bei der Produktlinie von einem hohen Rezyklatanteil, einem niedrigen Einsatzgewicht und maximaler Sicherheit. (Foto: Schütz) / The IBCs and PE drums of the Schütz Green Layer range are ideally suited as ecological packaging for numerous applications. Customers benefit from the high recycled content, low weight and maximum safety that the product range offers. (Photo: Schütz)
Die IBC und Kunststofffässer der Green-Layer-Serie von Schütz eignen sich hervorragend als ökologische Verpackungen für zahlreiche Anwendungen. Kunden profitieren bei der Produktlinie von einem hohen Rezyklatanteil, einem niedrigen Einsatzgewicht und maximaler Sicherheit. (Foto: Schütz) / The IBCs and PE drums of the Schütz Green Layer range are ideally suited as ecological packaging for numerous applications. Customers benefit from the high recycled content, low weight and maximum safety that the product range offers. (Photo: Schütz)
Die Umwelt und das Füllprodukt kommen bei den Produkten der Green-Layer-Serie von Schütz weiterhin nur mit Neumaterial in direkten Kontakt. Das Rezyklat fließt ausschließlich in die mittlere Schicht der dreilagigen Innenblase. (Foto: Schütz) / In Schütz’s Green Layer range, the environment and the filling product only come into direct contact with virgin material. The recyclate is exclusively used in the middle layer of the three-layer inner bottle. (Photo: Schütz)
Die Umwelt und das Füllprodukt kommen bei den Produkten der Green-Layer-Serie von Schütz weiterhin nur mit Neumaterial in direkten Kontakt. Das Rezyklat fließt ausschließlich in die mittlere Schicht der dreilagigen Innenblase. (Foto: Schütz) / In Schütz’s Green Layer range, the environment and the filling product only come into direct contact with virgin material. The recyclate is exclusively used in the middle layer of the three-layer inner bottle. (Photo: Schütz)
Mit der Produktserie Green Layer steigert Schütz den Rezyklatanteil am Kunststoff, indem hochqualitatives Recyclingmaterial auch für die Produktion der Innenbehälter verwendet wird. (Foto: Schütz) / In the Green Layer product range, Schütz has increased the amount of recycled plastic by also using high-quality recycled material to manufacture the inner bottles. (Photo: Schütz)
Mit der Produktserie Green Layer steigert Schütz den Rezyklatanteil am Kunststoff, indem hochqualitatives Recyclingmaterial auch für die Produktion der Innenbehälter verwendet wird. (Foto: Schütz) / In the Green Layer product range, Schütz has increased the amount of recycled plastic by also using high-quality recycled material to manufacture the inner bottles. (Photo: Schütz)
Bei aktiver Ressourcenschonung überzeugen die Verpackungen der Serie Green Layer mit höchster Qualität. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der ECOBULK MX GREEN LAYER mit Vollkunststoff-Palette und einem Rezyklatanteil am Kunststoff von 68 %. (Foto: Schütz) / The Green Layer range combines active resource conservation with the highest quality. One example from the range is the ECOBULK MX GREEN LAYER with a full plastic pallet and 68% recycled plastic. (Photo: Schütz)
Bei aktiver Ressourcenschonung überzeugen die Verpackungen der Serie Green Layer mit höchster Qualität. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der ECOBULK MX GREEN LAYER mit Vollkunststoff-Palette und einem Rezyklatanteil am Kunststoff von 68 %. (Foto: Schütz) / The Green Layer range combines active resource conservation with the highest quality. One example from the range is the ECOBULK MX GREEN LAYER with a full plastic pallet and 68% recycled plastic. (Photo: Schütz)
Nur wenn entleerte Verpackungen vom Verwender auch wieder zurückgegeben werden, stehen ausreichende Mengen zur Kunststoffrückgewinnung zur Verfügung, um Kunden mit neuen Rezyklat-Verpackungen zu versorgen. Dafür hat Schütz mit dem Schütz Ticket Service zur weltweiten Rückholung und Rekonditionierung bereits vor vielen Jahren die notwendige Infrastruktur geschaffen. (Foto: Schütz) / Only if users return emptied packaging will there be sufficient quantities available for plastic recycling in order to supply customers with new recycled packaging. Schütz created the necessary infrastructure for this many years ago with the Schütz Ticket Service for the worldwide collection and reconditioning of emptied containers. (Photo: Schütz)
Nur wenn entleerte Verpackungen vom Verwender auch wieder zurückgegeben werden, stehen ausreichende Mengen zur Kunststoffrückgewinnung zur Verfügung, um Kunden mit neuen Rezyklat-Verpackungen zu versorgen. Dafür hat Schütz mit dem Schütz Ticket Service zur weltweiten Rückholung und Rekonditionierung bereits vor vielen Jahren die notwendige Infrastruktur geschaffen. (Foto: Schütz) / Only if users return emptied packaging will there be sufficient quantities available for plastic recycling in order to supply customers with new recycled packaging. Schütz created the necessary infrastructure for this many years ago with the Schütz Ticket Service for the worldwide collection and reconditioning of emptied containers. (Photo: Schütz)

Saving CO2 is becoming increasingly important in the packaging industry. With the European Green Deal and the Action Plan for the Circular Economy, the European Union has defined the future framework conditions for resource-saving economic growth. One central measure is the use of plastic recyclate in packaging. Schütz is one of the pioneers in this field. The technology leader is constantly increasing the recycled content of its packaging by using state-of-the-art, multi-layer extrusion and continually developing its recycling processes.

The Green Layer series is the latest development in Schütz’s Green Lifecycle Management. With this programme, the packaging specialist supports customers in meeting their sustainability goals and further reducing the overall CO2 footprint of their packaging. The aim is to ensure the broadest possible and most cost-effective supply of eco-friendly packaging. Ultimately, sourcing the volume of recyclate required for this is a task for all partners along the supply chain. Only if users return emptied packaging to Schütz will the manufacturer have sufficient quantities available for plastic recovery and be able to supply customers with new recycled packaging. Schütz created the necessary infrastructure for this many years ago: with the Schütz Ticket Service, the company collects emptied industrial packaging worldwide and reconditions it according to the highest environmental and safety standards.

Further development of production technology and material recycling

Schütz has always focused on achieving maximum environmental friendliness in the entire life cycle of its packaging. The manufacturer achieves this with smart product design, advanced production processes, long-lasting product quality and closed material cycles. Schütz continuously invests in state-of-the-art production technology as well as in research and development. For example, the company has consistently reduced the weight of its packaging in recent years and has refined the material recycling processes so that even heavily contaminated material can now be reconditioned with the help of special process technology and expertise. Schütz can recycle HDPE in different grades depending on the desired application; the recycled HDPE is used to produce packaging and components.

The forerunner of the circular economy in industrial packaging underscores its pioneering role with the Green Layer product series. As the leading manufacturer, Schütz uses 3- or 6-layer extrusion blow moulding lines in its factories across Europe. This allows the company to use 30 per cent high-quality, natural-coloured recycled material to produce inner bottles. What makes this process special is that the recyclate is used exclusively to make the middle layer of the inner bottle. Schütz uses new HDPE to make the inner and outer layers, meaning that the filling product and environment only come into direct contact with virgin material. This design means that users save virgin plastic as well as CO2 and at the same time make an important contribution to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal.

The quality of the Green Layer packaging is identical to Schütz’s other product ranges. Whether IBC or plastic drums – Green Layer products are ideally suited as eco-friendly packaging for numerous applications. With this product range, customers benefit from a high content of recycled material, low weight and maximum safety. The majority of the containers, and especially Schütz plastic drums, have UN approvals. The new Green Layer series will initially be launched in the European markets. After a successful start, we will gradually roll out this environmentally friendly packaging in other regions.  

56242 Selters

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