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Purity-fair production plants made to measure

Reinheitsgerechte Produktionsanlagen nach Maß
Reinheitsgerechte Produktionsanlagen nach Maß
Kick off meeting to the industrial group Cleanroom Suitable of material CSM, phase 4 on 28 January 2009 at the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart starting situation with most diverse technical components is realized the demand after rising achievement and speed as well as reduction by weight and power requirement with a miniaturization process. This trend for the miniaturization, continuous for several decades observable and, conditionally by structures in science and technology thereby not least the supply controls � � production environments more purely. Their task is it to minimize product-damaging influences. , � pure area � the environments mentioned produced by filtering of air � originally v. A. for the interests of microelectronics and micro-system technology developed � appear meanwhile in almost all high technology sectors. Depending upon industry and process thereby different purity factors have a product-damaging effect. In the year 2003 an inquiry accomplished by the Fraunhofer IPA confirmed that for market express takers the largest danger in pure production proceeds still from particles � smallest particles within the micrometer range �, followed from molecular impurities (degassing) and electrostatic unloading phenomena (ESD). With the causes for impurities a change is to be observed in the last years: The pure area possesses only a marginal influence on the contamination of the manufacturing. Also the personnel, who had the largest influence on the cleanliness of a production environment until before approx. 15 years still, loses by his displacement from the critical ranges increasingly in air contamination. In response the contamination risk outgoing from production plants increases strongly and becomes estimated from experts at present on over 40% by the increased use of automation solutions. Production plants and thus the materials, which are usually located in direct contact with the product, blocked in them, are promoted so increasingly to the most important, influenceable contamination factor of a pure production. This tendency reflects itself also in the inquiry accomplished by the Fraunhofer IPA: 91% the operator of pure productions regard the purity fitness of materials as the most important, size which can be controlled. For over 85% of the participating companies a need of a material and a product data base with data concerning their purity fitness exists. To select materials for production plants in such a way that only minimum ones and/or. critical contamination does not develop, is for the industry an extremely important, so far however hardly investigated request-lasting development IndustrieverbundsDer resonance, which produced this in the context of a market analysis accomplished inquiry in the industry, is it to be finally owed that brought Fraunhofer IPA the industrial group Cleanroom Suitable of material CSM into being. A superordinate goal of the industrial group is it to give the technical designers of plants for pure production environments aids to the hand with which the selection of purity-suited materials is made possible. Basic condition for this is close communication between the final users of the production plants and the plant engineers. A suitable platform forms the industrial group: Keys players from the relevant industries sit at a table and develop together with the Fraunhofer IPA meaningful procedures for the examination and evaluation of the purity fitness of materials (S. fig. 1). The work of the industrial group becomes particularly lasting by its cooperation at up-to-date developing standards and guidelines, into which the testing methods of the industrial group flow. From a multiplicity of testings of materials at different combinations of ceramic(s), metal, coating as well as plastic materials, which can select the individual participants freely after their needs, a knowledge pool extensive exclusive for the companies taken part in the industrial group and results over the purity fitness of materials for two years. In form of a world-wide unique Internet-based result data base the participants receive access to all in the industrial group examined materials and profit in such a way from the synergies of the large participant circle, which brings a fast growing material data record with itself. The user friendly graphic surface of the data base with various inquiry functions makes it for the participants possible, the results of the testings of materials aimed and in this way profitably for the development, planning and optimization of its manufacturing plants conversion the development of an automated cleaning system could to the knowledge of the industrial group be already fallen back. For the avoidance of superelevated, inadmissible particle emission values with the later plant employment preliminary tests with possible materials were accomplished. The number in question of coming materials could be already limited and evaluated by the test and appraisal procedure developed in the industrial group before the plant realization. Result is a purity-fairly almost custom-made cleaning system (S. fig. 2).AusblickUm as holistic an evaluation of the materials regarding their suitability for purity-suited production plants as possible to always make possible, are apart from the investigations of the particle emission, the ESD behavior and the degassing additional extensions of the appraisal procedures planned, e.g. the investigation of the particle delivery of materials in the vacuum and micro-biological investigations, which are important for LifeScience applications. Over the further procedure becomes to 28. January 2009 during an open and noncommittal Kick off meeting on the area Fraunhofer of the IPA in Stuttgart decided, to which all interested ones are hereby cordially invited (beginning is 10:00 clock). The industrial group looks forward further to the admission new partners, which bring in their requests and specific materials in the investigations, in order to remain also in the future at the pulse of the industry. �Fig. above: Structure of an automated cleaning system, with which the material selection for the blocked movement elements due to preliminary investigations after the CSM appraisal procedure erfolgteAbb. down: In the industrial group Cleanroom Suitable of material CSM took part companies -- /* Font definition * @font-face {font family: Wingdings; panose-1: 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso font charset: 2; mso generic font family: car; mso font pitch: variable; mso font signature: 0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} @font-face {font family: Tahoma; panose-1: 2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4; mso font charset: 0; mso generic font family: swiss; mso font pitch: variable; mso font signature: 1627421319 -2147483648 8 0 66047 0;} /* Style definition * p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso style parent: " " ; margin: 0pt; margin bottom: .0001pt; mso pagination: widow orphan; font size: 12.0pt; font family: " Times new Roman" ; mso fareast font family: " Times new Roman" ;} h1 {mso style NEXT: Standard; margin top: 12.0pt; margin right: 0pt; margin bottom: 3.0pt; margin left: 34.0pt; text indent: - 34.0pt; mso pagination: widow orphan; PAGE BREAK after: avoid; mso outline level: 1; mso cunning: l2 level1 lfo3; tab stop: cunning 34.0pt; font size: 16.0pt; font family: Arial; mso font kerning: 16. 0pt;} h2 {mso style updates: car; mso style parent: " Heading 1" ; mso style NEXT: Standard; margin top: 24.0pt; margin right: 0pt; margin bottom: 18.0pt; margin left: 34.0pt; text indent: - 34.0pt; LINE height: 130%; mso pagination: widow orphan; PAGE BREAK after: avoid; mso outline level: 2; mso cunning: l2 level2 lfo3; mso hyphenate: none; tab stop: cunning 34.0pt left 36.0pt; font size: 14.0pt; mso bidi font size: 10.0pt; font family: Arial; mso bidi font family: " Times new Roman" ; mso font kerning: 14.0pt; mso bidi font weight: normally;} p.MsoDocumentMap, li.MsoDocumentMap, div.MsoDocumentMap {margin: 0pt; margin bottom: .0001pt; mso pagination: widow orphan; background: navy; font size: 12.0pt; font family: Tahoma; mso fareast font family: " Times new Roman" ;} p.Strichliste, left. 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