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CleanRooms USA returns with new momentum and excitement for 2009

CleanRooms USA Conference & Exhibition is returning to Boston, MA on May 12 and 13, 2009. The CleanRooms USA 2009 exhibition is a unique, wide-ranging showcase for the world's leading contamination control technology developers and manufacturers to reach decision makers from North America's exponentially growing contamination/infection control and clean manufacturing marketplace. No other U.S. cleanroom, hygiene and contamination/ infection control event can match the size and quality of the CleanRooms USA audience.

Presented at the Hynes Convention Center, located in downtown Boston, the CleanRooms USA 2009 conference and exhibition provides convenience, together with a highly-valuable and proven connection to a robust and evolving contamination control marketplace.

The 2009 CleanRooms USA Conference program will address critical contamination control issues in six comprehensive program tracks and a full-day course program:
- Nanotechnology Roadmap Outlines Contamination Control Challenges
- Solar Power/Photovoltaic Cell Makers Borrow and Invent Contamination Control Processes
- Advanced Semiconductor/Microelectronics Makers Step Up to Molecular Contamination Control Challenges
- Life Sciences: Industries Focus on Product Purity and Sterility While Government and Academia Target Biocontainment
- USP 797 and Hospital Hygiene Efforts Penetrate Health Care Facilities
- Standards & Regulations Attempt to Keep Pace with the Fast-Moving Industries Driving Contamination Control Technology
- *Full Day Course Program:* Contamination Control Essentials, presented by Dr. Hans Schicht

Who Will Attend:
Major industry user groups that will be in attendance include:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Bio/Pharmaceuticals
- Data Storage Devices and Media
- Food Production and Packaging
- Hospitals/Healthcare
- Medical Devices
- Microelectronics
- Nanotechnology
- Optical Devices and Systems
- Pharmaceuticals
- Photovoltaics
- Semiconductors

Who Should Exhibit:
In the continually changing world of contamination control, our multi-industry attendees will look to you for the most up to date information, emerging new technology trends, and solutions they need to  stay ahead of the competition. If your company can offer any of the proven and leading-edge solutions required by the exponentially growing range of industries requiring contamination control technology, then you should seriously consider showcasing your products, services and expertise by exhibiting at CleanRooms USA 2009.

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