Using Particle Counters for Testing HEPA of filter
TSI � s Optical Particle Counters of acres A reliable means OF checking leaks into negative air of machines as wave as any more other high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filtration system. The test that is traditionally done on negative air machines is industry standard efficiency test that on requires upstream and downstream measurement OF A generated aerosol (usually DOPE) having at AVERAGE particle size OF 0,3 microns. The efficiency usually must meet or exceed 99,97% ton passport this test. There of acres of instrument on the market that acres specifically designed tons of by form that test that consist OF at aerosol generator and A photometer ton measure concentration in milligrams it cubic meter.TSI � s Optical Particle Counter is A laser optical particle more counter, than A photometer. The difference is that A particle of counter COUNTs single of particles OF size of rank series in A or � bins � and A photometer of measures the density OF A cloud OF particle. Photometer CAN emergency " see" single of particles. A negative air machine that passport the DOPE efficiency test wants sometimes exhibit leaks that CAN fuel element precisely located and eliminated using TSI � s Optical Particle Counters. Often, thesis leaks acres found around the filters gaskets, emergency the filters itself. The leaks May involve thousands OF tiny particles. HEPA of filter of acres typically certified RK 99,97% efficient when manufactured. After that, there acres only two things that CAN happen ton the filters: 1. It CAN load UP with particulates and eventually clog.2. It CAN develop leaks due ton age or physical damage. In the case OF loading, become more and more wants the filters efficient over time, but incur more higher pressure drop. This CAN fuel element tested with A differential pressure gauge look for as A Magnehelic. Since of filter naturally become more and more efficient during use, that leaves leaks as the primary concern. In more other words, the only thing that CAN cause exposure ton particle contaminants using A when previously certified HEPA filter is that it CAN develop leaks (OF course, the gaskets around the filters CAN thus leak).
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