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Of Saxonia into the world: E-PAPER-display

Von Sachsen in die Welt: E-Paper-Displays
Von Sachsen in die Welt: E-Paper-Displays
Pioneer of plastic electronics plastic Logic opens world-wide first production plant in Dresden world premiere in Saxonian Dresden: On Wednesday (17 September) the plastics Logic GmbH opened that here world-wide first work, in which flexible, thin and easy � electronic paper displays are manufactured � made of plastic in series. Under that approx. 250 guests were also the Federal Minister for traffic, building and town development as well as representatives of the Federal Government for the new Federal states Wolfgang Tiefensee, the Prime Minister of the Free State Saxonia Stanislaw Tillich and the Oberb�rgermeisterin of the city Dresden Helma Orosz. In the context of the solemn opening ceremony they cut through Dresdens of the work as well as supervisory board member and investor Hermann Hauser the symbolic volume in the trade area together with Richard Archuleta, CEO (Chief Executive Officer = head of the company) of plastic Logic, Konrad Herre, managing director � air haven park Dresden �. At the beginning next yearly is to run here the production of the display modules for mobile readers on full routes. 140 coworkers will then produce a number of items of several hundredthousand per year. These are used among other things in readers for digital documents such as PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, electronic books and newspapers etc. The robust displays unite the advantages of computer screen and paper. In the year 2010 experts already count on a world-wide demand of more than 40 million units. During a tour in the pure area, the prominent guests received a view of the production flows to the heart of the work. The CEO von Plastic Logic Richard Archuleta and the managing director described Dresdens of the work Konrad Herre the trend-setting technology. � the today's opening Dresdens of the work is a milestone for our enterprise and entire plastic electronics. For the first time � electronic paper displays can be manufactured � made of plastic in series �, so Archuleta. Konrad Herre supplements: � the punctual start of production could be realized only owing to the untiring efforts of our coworkers here and in Great Britain, in addition, because the authorities in Saxonia supported us maximally. � only 16 months after the Grundsteinlegung in May 2007 plastic Logic in large yardstick in the 8.500-Quadratmeter-Geb�udekomplex with production hall and office surfaces can become active. Plastic Logic had decided after a world-wide location competition for � silicone Saxony �. Konrad Herre: � we needed a combination of development and manufacturing authority. This gives it straight at the technology location Dresden. � Wolfgang Tiefensee, Bundesminister for traffic, building and town development as well as representative of the Federal Government for the new Federal states, underlined that the opening of the manufacturing plant of plastic Logic shows more in Dresden once that the economic growth does not pass East Germany. � the location decision of the international enterprise plastic Logic signals that East Germany is attractive for foreign investors also. The Federal Government will in the future continue its intensive investor advertisement, in order to support the economic dynamics to East Germany and to promote with it the creation from new jobs to �, so Tiefensee. To the top position of Saxonia within the field of microelectronics the Saxonian Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich referred: � the market leader within the range � plastic Electronics Industry � knew its manufacturing plant, which world-wide first of its kind, within only 16 months at the Dresden location to realize. This success story will draw further international enterprises of microelectronics in � the silicone Saxony �. And also they will be able to trust the Saxonian state government in the full support. � Helma Orosz, Oberb�rgermeisterin of the city Dresden, said that the city and its inhabitants were proud on the fact that plastic Logic decided for the Saxonian state capital as production location. � if at the beginning of next yearly the production on full routes will run, has responsibility for it in the majority of specialists from Dresden and environment. Humans with their high technical qualifications and their open-mindedness to innovations were an important criterion for plastic Logic here to establish the factory in Dresden �, so Orosz.�� �Over plastics LogicDas international enterprises plastic Logic was created in the year 2000 by researchers of the Cavendish laboratory of the University of Cambridge and was received in the meantime more than 200 million US Dollar at financing funds from prominent international technology enterprises and investors, among other things of Oak investment of partner, Tudor investment corporation and Amadeus Capital of partner. While the manufacturing plant is in � the air haven park Dresden � � between the chip factory of AMD and the airport Dresden �, have management, finishing technique, sale and marketing her head office in Mountain View, California. Research and development of plastic Logic are still operated in English Cambridge.�

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